libcurl 示例 httpcustomheader.c 有问题(显示不良做法)还是我遗漏了什么?

Is the libcurl example httpcustomheader.c buggy (showing bad practice) or am I missing something?

libcurl 示例包含 example for custom HTTP headers

该示例使用 curl_slist_append,如下所示:

struct curl_slist *chunk = NULL;

/* Remove a header curl would otherwise add by itself */ 
chunk = curl_slist_append(chunk, "Accept:");

/* Add a custom header */ 
chunk = curl_slist_append(chunk, "Another: yes");

/* Modify a header curl otherwise adds differently */ 
chunk = curl_slist_append(chunk, "Host:");

/* Add a header with "blank" contents to the right of the colon. Note that
   we're then using a semicolon in the string we pass to curl! */ 
chunk = curl_slist_append(chunk, "X-silly-header;");

根据documentation of curl_slist_append,如果出现错误,将返回一个空指针:


A null pointer is returned if anything went wrong, otherwise the new list pointer is returned.



chunk = curl_slist_append(chunk, "Another: yes");

失败,原来的链表,也就是之前指向的chunk,会不会丢失?结果:这不会泄漏内存吗? 还是有一些我遗漏的魔法,curl_slist_append 文档中没有提到?

更糟糕的是:下一次调用 curl_slist_append 可能不会创建一个新列表(不太可能,因为我们可能已经内存不足,但有可能)?

您的怀疑似乎完全正确。 curl_slist_append 的来源可以查看 here