Mailchimp API 发送呼叫 returns Campaign_EgpPrediction 错误

Mailchimp API send call returns Campaign_EgpPrediction error

我目前正在使用 MailChimp v2.0 API 来复制、更新然后发送邮件活动。到目前为止一切都很好,但偶尔我在调用 campaigns/send


{ "status": "error", "code": -99, "name": "Campaign_EgpPrediction_Exception", "error": "Campaign_EgpPrediction" }


工作流程:我复制我们的一个标准广告系列,然后获取新 ID,然后使用此 ID 更新标题,通过更新 url 值使其成为 URL-driven 广告系列,移动它到文件夹,然后发送。

所有其他 API 调用都成功,只是发送 有时 说。

我在 MailChimp 文档中的任何地方都找不到对错误的引用,我已经询问了他们的 API 支持团队,但在我等待的时候...

这是由预测跳出率警告引起的。在我不顾警告(MailChimp 的文档中不存在)继续发送活动之后不久,我从合规团队那里得到了以下信息:

This is a note from the MailChimp compliance team. Omnivore, our automated abuse prevention system, detected a recent campaign that generated a bounce rate which exceeded allowable industry thresholds. Noting the account received an above threshold bounce rate, Omnivore has detected that this list requires removal from our system before we would be able to reactivate the account.

As a bulk delivery service we are required to enforce the industry thresholds that ISPs, anti-spam groups and corporate email protection services set regarding spam complaints, bounces and unsubscribe requests. When rates exceed industry thresholds, as your campaign did, Internet Service Providers can block service to the entire MailChimp ecosystem.

Keeping this in mind, the list must be removed from the account before we are able to support further sending. Because a list cannot be deleted for 7 days following a campaign send, we do ask that these contacts be bulk unsubscribed from the list following the instructions provided

所以,看起来系统会通过 API 向您发出此错误消息的警告,如果您坚持,我们还是发送它吧!
