获取对 arity-0 scala 函数的引用

Obtain reference to arity-0 scala function

Scala 允许不带括号调用没有参数列表的函数:

scala> def theAnswer() = 42
theAnswer: ()Int

scala> theAnswer
res5: Int = 42

我如何构造一个计算结果为函数 theAnswer 本身而不是 theAnswer 的结果的 Scala 表达式?或者换句话说,我将如何修改表达式 theAnswer,以便结果的类型为 () => Int,而不是类型 Int?


scala> theAnswer _
res0: () => Int = <function0>

来自the answer to the similar question

The rule is actually simple: you have to write the _ whenever the compiler is not explicitly expecting a Function object.

此调用每次都会创建新实例,因为您正在 "converting" 方法运行(所谓的 "ETA expansion")。


scala> val f = () => theAnswer
f: () => Int = <function0>

scala> val g = theAnswer _
g: () => Int = <function0>