在窗体数字键盘 C#

In form numberpad C#


我尝试了 SendKeys.Send("#"),但是当我点击按钮时,它只是将焦点转移到按钮上,而在我试图输入的文本框中什么也没做。


扩展一下 Hans Passant 的想法,您可以以此为起点。


在您的表单中添加您需要的文本框和一个 PictureBox。图片框将包含一张图片,其中包含您的用户需要能够键入的字符。

设置 属性 Image to an image file(浏览)(或创建您自己的)
设置 属性 SizeMode to AutoSize 以显示完整图片。

接下来转到事件并为 MouseClick 添加一个事件处理程序。



private void pictureBox1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    // how many rows and columns do we have
    // in the picture used
    const int maxrows = 4;
    const int maxcols = 3;

    // based on each position (numbered from left to right, top to bottom)
    // what character do we want to add the textbox 
    var chars = new [] {'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9', '+', '0', '-'};
    // on which row and col is clicked, based on the mouse event
    // which hold the X and Y value of the coordinates relative to 
    // the control.
    var  row = (e.Y * maxrows) / this.pictureBox1.Height;
    var col = (e.X * maxcols) / this.pictureBox1.Width;
    // calculate the position in the char array
    var scancode = row * maxcols + col;
    // if the active control is a TextBox ...
    if (this.ActiveControl is TextBox)
        // ... add the char to the Text.
        // add error and bounds checking as well as 
        // handling of special chars like delete/backspace/left/right
        // if added and needed
        this.ActiveControl.Text += chars[scancode];


