
What is causing this failure to parallelize?


代码出现在初始化游戏棋盘存储的构造函数中。该板大约有 450 个六边形,向下有 750 个六边形,存储被分组为 32 x 32 的块,以更好地定位后续操作,如下所示。

并行实现是完全序列化的,因为这个代码片段 运行s 在我编译和 运行 与编译器标志 FIRST_WAY 和 SERIAL 等完全相同的时间。




public sealed class BlockedBoardStorage32x32V2<T> : BoardStorage<T> {
  const int _grouping = 32;             // must be power of 2 in this implementation
  const int _buffer   = _grouping - 1;

  /// <summary>Construct a new instance of extent <paramref name="sizeHexes"/> and 
  /// initialized using <paramref name="initializer"/>.</summary>
  public BlockedBoardStorage32x32V2(HexSize sizeHexes, Func<HexCoords,T> initializer) 
  : base (sizeHexes) {
    #if SERIAL
          var store = Enumerable.Range(0,(MapSizeHexes.Height + _buffer) / _grouping)
          var store = ParallelEnumerable.Range(0,(MapSizeHexes.Height + _buffer) / _grouping)
                  .Select(y => InitializeRow(initializer, y * _grouping))
        var range       = (MapSizeHexes.Height + _buffer) / _grouping;
        var threadCount = 8;
        var threadRange = ( range + (threadCount-1) ) / threadCount;
        var store = ParallelEnumerable.Range(0, threadCount).AsOrdered()
                  .SelectMany(thread => Enumerable.Range(0,threadRange),(t,i) => t*threadRange + i)
                  .Where(i => i < range)
                  .Select(y => InitializeRow(initializer, y * _grouping))

    _backingStore = new FastList<FastList<FastList<T>>>(store);


private FastList<FastList<T>> InitializeRow(Func<HexCoords,T> initializer, int block_j) {
  var row   = new FastList<T>[(MapSizeHexes.Width + _buffer) / _grouping];

  for (var x = 0;  x < row.Length;  x++) {
    row[x] = InitializeBlock(initializer, block_j, x * _grouping);

  return new FastList<FastList<T>>(row);
private FastList<T> InitializeBlock(Func<HexCoords,T> initializer, int block_j, int block_i) {
  var block = new T[_grouping * _grouping];

  for (int i = 0, index = 0;  i < _grouping;  i++) {
    for (var j = 0;  j < _grouping;  j++, index++) {
      var coords = HexCoords.NewUserCoords(block_i + j, block_j + i);
      block[index] = IsOnboard(coords) ? initializer(coords) : default(T);
  return new FastList<T>(block);

和 class FastList 是对 Joe Duffy's Simple Fast List Enumerator




private static BoardStorage<IBoardHex> HexInitializer(
    IMapDefinition mapDefinition,
    BridgeCollection bridges
) {
  if(mapDefinition==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("mapDefinition");
  if(bridges      ==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("bridges");

  // The line calling the constructor being inquired on:
  var bs = new BlockedBoardStorage32x32<IBoardHex>(mapDefinition.Size,
     coords => GetBoardHex(mapDefinition,coords));

  bs.ForEach(new HexFinalizer(bs));
  bridges.ForEach( bridge => BridgeHexGenerator(bs,bridge) );
  bs.ForEach(new HexDirectedCostSetter(bs));

  return bs;


private static BoardHex GetBoardHex(IMapDefinition mapDefinition, HexCoords coords) {
  int x         = coords.User.X, 
      y         = coords.User.Y;
  var terrain   = mapDefinition.Terrain[y][x];
  var elevation = mapDefinition.Elevations[y][x];
  var features  = mapDefinition.Features[y][x];

  switch (terrain) {
    case 'x': return new BlockedHex   (coords,elevation,features,HexType.Blocked); 
    case 'w': return new WaterHex     (coords,elevation,features,HexType.Water);
    case ' ': return new ClearHex     (coords,elevation,features,HexType.Clear);
    case 'f': return new ForestHex    (coords,elevation,features,HexType.Forest);
    case 'o': return new OrchardHex   (coords,elevation,features,HexType.Orchard);
    case 's': return new MarshHex     (coords,elevation,features,HexType.Marsh);
    case 'b': return new BuildingHex  (coords,elevation,features,HexType.Building);
    case 'c': return new ChateauHex   (coords,elevation,features,HexType.Chateau);
    case 'v': return new VillageHex   (coords,elevation,features,HexType.Village);
    case 'r': return new RoughHex     (coords,elevation,features,HexType.Rough);
    case 'e': return new FieldHex     (coords,elevation,features,HexType.Field);

    case 'd': return new WoodsHex     (coords,elevation,features,HexType.Woods);
    case 'y': return new CityHex      (coords,elevation,features,HexType.City);

更新 2:

这些结果来自 运行 在 Intel i7 四核超线程上运行以提供 8 个处理器。

您正在使用工作站 GC ("WKS")。切换到服务器 GC。是平行的。

当有大量垃圾和大量并行时,WKS GC 真的很糟糕。

更新 - 来自 OP 的更多详细信息:

.exe.config 文件的相关更改是添加:

      <gcServer enabled="true"/>

这导致了一个像这样的(非常清晰的)并发图,运行 不到 40 毫秒而不是 120 毫秒,应用程序在这个大地图上的总体 start-up 时间减少了大约6.0 秒到 5.0 秒。