无法在 Dreamhost aka Meteor Up 上完成 mup 设置

Can't complete mup setup on Dreamhost aka Meteor Up

我被困在 mup setup。尝试在我的 Dreamhost 服务器上设置它。

这是我在运行宁mup setup之后开始的:

Meteor Up: Production Quality Meteor Deployments
Started TaskList: Setup (linux)
[mydomain.com] - Installing Node.js
[mydomain.com] ✘ Installing Node.js: FAILED
     tty present and no askpass program specified
    Sorry, try again.
    sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
    Sorry, try again.

然后我在我的服务器上手动安装了节点,并将 mup 文件设置为 "setupNode": false。再次尝试并得到:

Meteor Up: Production Quality Meteor Deployments
Started TaskList: Setup (linux)
[mydomain.com] - Installing PhantomJS
[mydomain.com] ✘ Installing PhantomJS: FAILED
         tty present and no askpass program specified
        Sorry, try again.
        sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
        Sorry, try again.

最后,我还停用了 PhantomJS 安装,再次尝试 运行 mup setup 并得到了:

Meteor Up: Production Quality Meteor Deployments
Started TaskList: Setup (linux)
[mydomain.com] - Setting up Environment
[mydomain.com] ✔ Setting up Environment: SUCCESS
[mudomain.com] - Copying MongoDB configuration
[mydomain.com] ✘ Copying MongoDB configuration: FAILED

        Warning: Permanently added 'mydomain.com,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
        scp: /etc/mongodb.conf: Permission denied
        Killed by signal 1.
 Completed TaskList: Setup (linux)



尝试使用 sudo mup setup 或您使用的任何名称进程 运行ning,使用 sudo 关键字初始化

来自 dream Host 论坛(管理员或导师 post)。

node.js — which is used by Meteor — causes some weird issues on our shared hosting servers that can trigger this behavior. We're aware of the issue, but, for various reasons, it's been difficult to fix.

也就是说,Meteor 无论如何都不能在共享主机帐户上运行, 因为它 运行 作为持久服务器进程,这是不允许的。 您需要 DreamHost VPS 或 运行 Meteor 的专用服务器。

因此,如果您没有 dreamHost VPS 或专用服务器,并且只想部署该应用程序,请尝试 Modulus.io, it works pretty fine with meteor, or use the meteor deploy servers, doc here

发生这种情况是因为目标计算机上未安装 Sudo。

在我的 Debian 目标机器上,我 apt-get install sudo 解决了这个问题。 对于 RedHat flavor (Centos etc) 目标机器,您可以执行 yum install sudo

然而,仅 Ubuntu 支持 mup,因此它很可能 运行 与其他风格出现问题。您可能希望坚持使用 Ubuntu 目标计算机以避免出现此类问题。