before 在 ML 中的用法

The usage of before in ML

ML 的前身在 中被描述为

a before b returns a. It provides a notational shorthand for evaluating a, then b, before returning the value of a.

当我尝试使用此命令时期望 x = 4 并且 (4+1) 被评估

val x = (3+1 before 4+1)


Standard ML of New Jersey v110.78 [built: Sun Apr 26 01:06:11 2015]
- stdIn:1.11-1.25 Error: operator and operand don't agree [overload conflict]
  operator domain: [+ ty] * unit
  operand:         [+ ty] * [+ ty]
  in expression:
    (3 + 1 before 4 + 1)



根据 Matt 的回答,我应该使用

val x = (3+1 before print "<end>")


(*  *)
val infile = "input.txt" ;

(*  reading from file follow this to list of string per line *)
fun readlist (infile : string) = let 
    val ins = TextIO.openIn infile 
    fun loop ins = 
     case TextIO.inputLine ins of 
            SOME line => line :: loop ins 
          | NONE      => [] 
    loop ins before TextIO.closeIn ins 
end ;

val pureGraph =  readlist(infile);

size (hd pureGraph)

here 开始,它表示 before 的类型是 before : ('a * unit) -> 'a,并且正如您的类型错误所指定的那样,它期望第二个参数的类型是unit,但是,您提供了 int 类型的内容。尝试执行 val x = (3+1 before ()),您应该会得到预期的结果。预期目的是让第二个参数成为影响计算的某种方面,例如操作 ref 单元格或执行一些 IO,您希望在评估第一个参数之前 运行。好像以下都是一样的:

val x = e1 before e2

val x = let val a = e1
            val _ = e2
        in a end
