-funsafe-math-optimizations 中包含哪些优化?

What kind of optimizations are included in -funsafe-math-optimizations?

GCC 的 man page 声明 -funsafe-math-optimizations 允许优化“(a) 假设参数和结果有效并且 (b) 可能违反 IEEE 或 ANSI 标准”,但这不是很精确,是吗?

在这种情况下,"invalid" 参数是什么? NaNs?无穷大?低于正常值?负数到 sqrt()?

允许结果偏离 IEEE 或 ANSI 标准多远?它是 "merely" 之类的东西 operation associativity and ordering,还是可能包括例如。与 NaN 的真实比较或与无穷大的不正确比较?存储的变量在使用后是否可以重新舍入(这样,对于 variables xy(x == y) + (x == y) 可以计算为 1) ? isinf()/isnan() 可以停止工作吗?

GCC 开发人员是否遵循关于此类问题的任何特定系统或纪律,或者答案是否会因版本而异?


This mode enables optimizations that allow arbitrary reassociations and transformations with no accuracy guarantees. It also does not try to preserve the sign of zeros.

这包括您提到的 associative reordering,以及 "Built-in functions [which] have names such as __builtin_sqrt""may have less precision or be restricted to a smaller domain"