Git 命令执行拉取并将我的更改放在顶部而不隐藏?

Git command to do a pull and put my changes at the top without stashing?


我想知道是否有 git 命令可以做到这一点。

您可以编写 shell 别名或 git 命令别名来执行此操作。

    update = !git stash save -u && git pull && git stash pop

我把 -u 放在那里以存储未跟踪的文件,以防拉动添加它们。

我不知道这样的命令(也许其他人知道...编辑:很棒的推荐 Schwern!

但是,您是在功能分支上工作吗?如果没有,我强烈建议将它们添加到项目的 git 工作流程中。这将减少您需要更新本地分支机构的次数,因为理论上每个分支机构的人数会更少。

我发现这个 git 工作流程参考在过去很有用:

运行 git pull --rebase可能就是你想要的。


When true, rebase the current branch on top of the upstream branch after fetching. If there is a remote-tracking branch corresponding to the upstream branch and the upstream branch was rebased since last fetched, the rebase uses that information to avoid rebasing non-local changes.

When set to preserve, rebase with the --preserve-merges option passed to git rebase so that locally created merge commits will not be flattened.

When false, merge the current branch into the upstream branch.

See pull.rebase, branch.<name>.rebase and branch.autoSetupRebase in git-config if you want to make git pull always use --rebase instead of merging.


This is a potentially dangerous mode of operation. It rewrites history, which does not bode well when you published that history already. Do not use this option unless you have read git-rebase carefully.

您正在寻找 git-up,它完全符合您的要求(以及更多)。


  • 获取所有本地分支
  • 重新设置(而不是合并)所有具有关联远程分支的本地分支中的任何传入更改
  • 本地更改是 stashed/unstashed before/after rebase



gem install git-up

然后您可以在任何 Git 存储库中使用它

git up


做一个正常的 git fetch 然后 git rebase --autostash 怎么样?

来自 man git-rebase:

       Automatically create a temporary stash before the operation begins, 
       and apply it after the operation ends. This means that you can run
       rebase on a dirty worktree. However, use with care: the final stash 
       application after a successful rebase might result in non-trivial