Elm -- 将文本文件解析为 Html

Elm -- parse text file into Html

我是 Elm 的新手(总体而言也是 FP 的新手)我在思考如何做某些事情时遇到了一些麻烦。

我目前正在使用端口读取文本文件并将其传递给 elm (index.html):

<script type="text/javascript">
  // Show the stamp module in the "elm-div" div.
  var div = document.getElementById('elm-div');
  var golf = Elm.embed(Elm.Golf, div, { reset:[], openFromFile: "" });

  var upload = document.getElementById('fileinput');

  upload.onchange = function (e) {
      reader = new FileReader();

      reader.onload = function (event) {
          data = event.target.result;
          //file's text data is sent to 'openfromfile' port


module Golf where

import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, text, toElement, div, input)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Color exposing (..)
import Signal exposing ((<~),(~))
import String

port reset : Signal ()   
port openFromFile : Signal String

getLines : Signal (List String)
getLines = String.lines <~ openFromFile

我无法思考 Golf.elm 文件的结构。我有 CSV 格式的文本数据(由“,”分隔),其中:

"Round Number", "Par", "steve", "kyle", "rick"
1, 3, 5, 8, 1
2, 5, 3, 7, 8
3, 4, 6, 5, 4
4, 3, 2, 4, 3
5, 2, 5, 7, 4

我想要做的是读取 CSV 并显示一个 html table 以及每个 player/round 的相对于标准杆的分数(分数 = 数字 - 标准杆)但事实我不是从记录格式的常规模型开始的,而是 Signal (List String) 让我完全迷失了。

我通过端口将我的 getLines 发送回 console.log 它所以我知道我正在正确读取文件并从文本源正确生成 Signal (List String) 但我没有从这往哪儿走。



type alias CSV = { headers : Maybe (List String)
                 , records : List  (List String)


getLines : Signal (List String)


getCSV   : Signal CSV


map : (a -> result) -> Signal a -> Signal result

然后类型签名将是 (a = List String, result = CSV):

map0     : (List String -> CSV) -> Signal (List String) -> Signal CSV


parseCSV : List String -> CSV


getCSV : Signal CSV
getCSV = Signal.map parseCSV getLines


-- ...

getCSV : Signal CSV
getCSV = Signal.map badParseCSV getLines

type alias CSV = { headers : Maybe (List String)
                 , records : List  (List String)

badParseCSV : List String -> CSV
badParseCSV xs =
  let parseLine = List.map (trimQuotes << String.trim)
              <<  String.split ","
      trimQuotes x = if String.startsWith "\"" x 
                     && String.endsWith "\"" x
                     then String.dropRight 1 <| String.dropLeft 1 x
                     else x
      records0 = List.map parseLine
              <| List.filter (\x -> not (String.isEmpty x))
              <| List.drop 1 xs
      headers0 = Maybe.map parseLine <| List.head xs
  in  { headers = headers0
      , records = records0}

view : CSV -> Html
view csv =
  let rows    = List.map (\xs -> Html.tr [] (cols xs)) csv.records
      cols xs = List.map col xs
      col  x  = Html.td [] [ text x]
      ths  xs = List.map (\x -> Html.th [] [text x]) xs
      headers = Maybe.withDefault [] <| Maybe.map ths csv.headers
  in Html.table [] [ Html.thead [] headers
                   , Html.tbody [] rows

main : Signal Html
main = Signal.map view getCSV