
Location tracking using triangulation

我有一个关于使用三角测量(通过 wifi 信号)进行位置跟踪的双重问题。

  1. 在户外也能用吗?
  2. 它能在受保护的 wifi 网络上工作吗?我的意思是,在比利时,我们不同的 ISP 提供热点功能,只有当您是客户时才能访问。 wifi 信号是否总是可以在可用时立即使用?或者它是否也需要身份验证才能使用?

编辑:您是否知道一些关于如何学习如何为 Android / iOS 实施它的清晰 documentation/references?


Does it also work outdoors?


Does it work on wifi networks that are protected? What I mean is that in Belgium, our different ISP's provide hotspot functionality which are only accessible when you are a customer. Is using the wifi signal always possible as soon as it is available? Or does it also require authentication before it can be made use of?


Edit: Do you know of some good and clear documentation/references on how to learn how to implement it for Android / iOS?

在 iOS 上,您只需使用与 GPS 跟踪相同的 API - CLLocation。它根据设备的功能和所需的准确性使用适当的技术。