python 用于组织音乐的脚本中的 IndentationError
IndentationError in python script for organising Music
我以前制作过这个脚本,现在想使用它,但是在尝试 运行 时出现错误。这个脚本是关于组织我的音乐的。我有一个按标签组织的目录,想从标签和年份目录中的目录名称中获取艺术家姓名,并在艺术家和年份目录中创建新目录。
import os
basedir = "/home/zab/Music/#01.Label"
artist_parent_dir = "/home/zab/Music/#03.Artist"
date_parent_dir = "/home/zab/Music/#04.ReleaseDate"
for fn in os.listdir(basedir):
label_path = os.path.join( basedir, fn)
for album in os.listdir(label_path):
i = 1
words = album.split("_")
for word in words:
if i == 1:
label = word
elif i == 2:
name = word
date = word
i = i + 1
artist_album = name.split("-")
j = 1
for part in artist_album:
if j == 1:
artist = part.replace("[","")
j = j + 1
date_parts = date.split("-")
z = 1
for part_two in date_parts:
if z == 1:
year = part_two
z = z + 1
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(artist_parent_dir,artist)):
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(date_parent_dir,year)):
src = os.path.join(label_path,album)
artist_dst = os.path.join(artist_parent_dir, artist, name + "_" + label + "_" + date)
year_dst = os.path.join(date_parent_dir,year, date + "_" + name + "_" + label)
if not os.path.exists(artist_dst):
os.symlink(src, artist_dst)
if not os.path.exists(year_dst):
os.symlink(src, year_dst)
File "/home/zab/Music/_Scripts/", line 22
artist = part.replace("[","")
IndentationError: expected an indented block
出了什么问题? part.replace 过时了吗?
您可能混用了空格和制表符,这使得很难弄清楚 Python 如何看待缩进。
您正在混用制表符和空格;从您的 post 此处获取源代码显示:
>>> '''\
... for part in artist_album:
... if j == 1:
... artist = part.replace("[","")
... '''.splitlines()
[' for part in artist_album:', '\t if j == 1:', ' artist = part.replace("[","")']
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(_)
[' for part in artist_album:',
'\t if j == 1:',
' artist = part.replace("[","")']
注意 if
行开头的 \t
。 Python 将制表符扩展为 8 个空格,但您可能将编辑器设置为使用 4 个空格。所以 Python 看到了这个:
for part in artist_album:
if j == 1:
artist = part.replace("[","")']
for part in artist_album:
if j == 1:
artist = part.replace("[","")']
将您的编辑器配置为仅使用 空格 进行缩进。如果这样配置,好的编辑器会为您将 TAB 键转换为空格。
引自 Python Style Guide (PEP 8):
Spaces are the preferred indentation method.
Tabs should be used solely to remain consistent with code that is already indented with tabs.
我以前制作过这个脚本,现在想使用它,但是在尝试 运行 时出现错误。这个脚本是关于组织我的音乐的。我有一个按标签组织的目录,想从标签和年份目录中的目录名称中获取艺术家姓名,并在艺术家和年份目录中创建新目录。
import os
basedir = "/home/zab/Music/#01.Label"
artist_parent_dir = "/home/zab/Music/#03.Artist"
date_parent_dir = "/home/zab/Music/#04.ReleaseDate"
for fn in os.listdir(basedir):
label_path = os.path.join( basedir, fn)
for album in os.listdir(label_path):
i = 1
words = album.split("_")
for word in words:
if i == 1:
label = word
elif i == 2:
name = word
date = word
i = i + 1
artist_album = name.split("-")
j = 1
for part in artist_album:
if j == 1:
artist = part.replace("[","")
j = j + 1
date_parts = date.split("-")
z = 1
for part_two in date_parts:
if z == 1:
year = part_two
z = z + 1
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(artist_parent_dir,artist)):
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(date_parent_dir,year)):
src = os.path.join(label_path,album)
artist_dst = os.path.join(artist_parent_dir, artist, name + "_" + label + "_" + date)
year_dst = os.path.join(date_parent_dir,year, date + "_" + name + "_" + label)
if not os.path.exists(artist_dst):
os.symlink(src, artist_dst)
if not os.path.exists(year_dst):
os.symlink(src, year_dst)
File "/home/zab/Music/_Scripts/", line 22
artist = part.replace("[","")
IndentationError: expected an indented block
出了什么问题? part.replace 过时了吗? 任何改进此脚本的建议将不胜感激。
您可能混用了空格和制表符,这使得很难弄清楚 Python 如何看待缩进。
您正在混用制表符和空格;从您的 post 此处获取源代码显示:
>>> '''\
... for part in artist_album:
... if j == 1:
... artist = part.replace("[","")
... '''.splitlines()
[' for part in artist_album:', '\t if j == 1:', ' artist = part.replace("[","")']
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(_)
[' for part in artist_album:',
'\t if j == 1:',
' artist = part.replace("[","")']
注意 if
行开头的 \t
。 Python 将制表符扩展为 8 个空格,但您可能将编辑器设置为使用 4 个空格。所以 Python 看到了这个:
for part in artist_album:
if j == 1:
artist = part.replace("[","")']
for part in artist_album:
if j == 1:
artist = part.replace("[","")']
将您的编辑器配置为仅使用 空格 进行缩进。如果这样配置,好的编辑器会为您将 TAB 键转换为空格。
引自 Python Style Guide (PEP 8):
Spaces are the preferred indentation method.
Tabs should be used solely to remain consistent with code that is already indented with tabs.