在处理中找不到 android 模式

Cannot find android mode in Processing

如标题所述,我在Processing中找不到Android模式(以便安装)。我只能找到 Java 模式和 Java 脚本模式(我安装的)。

我正在使用 Windows 7 64 位。

注意我安装了Javajdk,在环境变量Path中添加了相关路径,安装了androidSDK Tools,androidsdk platform tools,最新的 android sdk 构建工具,从 android 4.1.2(API 16) 到 Android 5.0.1(API 21).

我阅读了有关手动安装 android 模式的信息,但我找到的所有下载链接均无效。我还想知道是否需要添加更多环境变量,例如在 Processing 网站上找到的 guide。这是相关部分:

If you're on Windows, then you might need to mess with the System PATH variables. You can edit the PATH variables by right-clicking on Computer > Properties > Change Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables . WARNING : Messing with these variables can seriously mess up your computer if not done properly. You should check the following:

Variable JAVA_HOME should point to the location of the bin folder within the JDK. Variable ANDROID_HOME should point to the location of the bin folder within the Android folder. Variable ANT_HOME should point to the location of the ant folder within the android tools folder. Variable ADB_HOME should point to the location of the location of the android/android-sdk/platform-tools folder. All of these variables should be referenced from within the PATH variable. You can reference a variable by specifying its name surrounded by percent signs ( % ). In order for the variable to be properly unwrapped, it must be enclosed in percent signs and each individual variable must be separated by a semicolon. For example: "%JAVA_HOME%;%ANT_HOME%;ADB_HOME%;%ANDROID_HOME%"

此外,我发现 android.sdk.path 在 Processing 的首选项文件夹中丢失了。


编辑: 我还从 here 手动下载了 android 模式,解压并复制到以下位置: C:\用户\\Documents\Processing\modes\


需要安装预发布版 3.0a5。 最新的稳定版本 2.2.1 没有 android 模式。