OpenGraph 是否仅共享已批准的应用程序?

Is OpenGraph sharing only for approved apps?

我正在尝试分享自定义 opengraph 故事。这是我的代码:

            ShareOpenGraphObject object = new ShareOpenGraphObject.Builder()
                    .putString("og:type", "")
                    .putString("og:title", item.title)
                    .putString("og:description", item.title)
            ShareOpenGraphAction action = new ShareOpenGraphAction.Builder()
                    .putObject("song", object)
                    //.putString("place", venue.fbplaceid)
            ShareOpenGraphContent content = new ShareOpenGraphContent.Builder()
  , content);

我觉得一切都很好,对我来说,一切都很完美。但是对于我的客户来说却没有,他得到了异常 'Failed to generate preview for user'。我认为那是因为我是 facebook 应用程序的管理员,而他不是。所以我的问题是,OpenGraph 共享是否仅适用于已批准的 Facebook 应用程序?我的 Facebook 应用设置为 public,但未发送给审核团队


Story Submission Process

The Graph API allows third-party apps to integrate deeply with Facebook. Your app can use the Graph API to share rich, structured stories on Facebook. These stories can increase your app's engagement, distribution, and growth.

We review your app's stories to ensure a consistent, high-quality experience on Facebook. Three important notes:

  • All platforms listed in your App Settings go through review. Please do not list platforms without Facebook integration (i.e. websites without Facebook Login).
  • Using a Social Plugin, such as the Like button, does not require review.
  • For mobile apps, app domains are no longer needed to track installs or create stories. This document outlines our guidelines and submission criteria. This document may evolve as we continue to learn how people interact with the Graph API.
