如何使用 Stripe 实施链式每月订阅付款? (类似于Patreon)

How do I implement chained, monthly subscription payments using Stripe? (similar to Patreon)

我正在构建一个众筹平台,用户每月订阅不同的活动。我想要它,以便所有订阅在每个月的第一天一起(链接)计费。 Patreon 做了类似的事情,所以我知道这是可能的,但我无法在 Stripe 的文档中找到解决这个问题的任何地方。谢谢!

首先,作为众筹平台,您需要使用 Stripe Connect to be able to accept payments on behalf of the campaign owners. You'd either use Standalone accounts where the user has its own Stripe account that he connects to your platform or, if you're a platform in the US or Canada, Managed 为您的用户创建帐户的帐户。

这将允许您为您的平台创建 charges or subscriptions on their behalf so that the funds get sent to them directly and you can take an application fee

至于每月第一天收费的能力,这是通过 trial periods. When you create the subscription through the API 完成的,您可以将 trial_end 参数设置为您希望他们第一次收费的日期的时间戳收费发生。这样,客户在下个月 1 号之前不会被收取任何费用。