EJB 2.1:防止 Bean 在激活后立即钝化

EJB 2.1: Prevent Bean passivation immediately after it is activated

运行 jboss 6.3 上的 ejb 2.1 实体 bean。该 bean 在激活后立即被钝化。知道为什么会发生这种情况,是否有可能至少在几秒钟内阻止它发生。


我不能 post 任何 src,因为我会被解雇!


jboss 6.3 仅支持事务提交选项 3(至少与它类似)

什么是提交选项?它是我们在事务提交时对实体 bean 状态的控制。

什么是提交选项 3? "Pooled bean: At the end of the transaction, neither the instance nor its state is valid (instance will be passivated and returned to the pool). Every client call causes an ejbActivate, ejbLoad, then the business method, then ejbStore, and ejbPassivate"

基于 6.3 的迁移指南

"In JBoss EAP 5.x, it was also possible to customize caching, pooling, commit-options, and the interceptor stack. In JBoss EAP 6, this is no longer possible. There is only one implementation, which is similar to the Instance Per Transaction policy with commit-option C"