表单按钮没有响应且未正确对齐 [重构 Ruby on Rails]

Form button not responding and badly aligned [Refactoring Ruby on Rails]

我正在为一门关于重构某个版本的打字错误博客的课程布置作业。我需要向页面添加一个新表单以获取一些信息,问题是提交按钮没有响应并且表单也没有正确对齐。 http://i.imgur.com/5HKMG0L.png


**first view that gets called:**
<% @page_heading = _('New article') %>

<%= render "admin/shared/edit", { :form_type => "article", :form_action => { :action => "new", :id => @article.id , :class => ('autosave')} } %>


<% className = form_action.delete(:class) %>
<%= form_tag(form_action, :id => "#{form_type}_form", :enctype => "multipart/form-data", :class => className) do %>

  <%= render :partial => "form" %>
<% end %>

***<h3> Merge Articles </h3>
<div class='clearfix'>
<%= form_tag(categories_path, :class => className) do %>
  <%= label :article, :merge_with, 'Article ID' %>
  <%= text_field :merge_with , '', {:class => 'span1'}%>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag 'Merge' %>

<input type="hidden" name="current_editor" id="current_editor" value="<%= current_user.editor %>" />
<input type="hidden" name="user_textfilter" id="user_textfilter" value="<%= current_user.text_filter_name %>" />
<div id="autosave"></div>
<div id="article_keywords_auto_complete" class="auto_complete"></div>

<%= error_messages_for 'article' %>

<div class='editor-right'>
  <div class='well'>
    <h4><%= _("Publish settings") %></h4>
    <div class='actions'>
      <%= link_to_destroy_with_profiles(@article) unless @article.id.nil? or @article.state.to_s.downcase == 'draft' %>
      <span id='destroy_link'><%= link_to_destroy_draft @article %></span>
      <span id='preview_link'><%= link_to(_("Preview"), {:controller => '/articles', :action => 'preview', :id => @article.id}, {:target => 'new', :class => 'btn info'}) if @article.id %></span>
    <div class='clearfix'>
        <%= _("Status:") %> <strong><%= @article.state.to_s.downcase %></strong> <a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('status'); return false">Change</a>
      <ul class='inputs-list'>
        <li id='status' style='display: none;'>        
          <label for="article_published">
            <%= check_box 'article', 'published'  %>
            <%= _("Published") %>
    <div class='clearfix'>
      Comments are <strong>enabled</strong> and trackbacks are <strong>disabled</strong> <a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('conversation'); return false">Change</a>
      <ul class='inputs-list' id='conversation' style='display: none'>
          <label for="article_allow_pings">
            <%= check_box 'article', 'allow_pings' %>
            <%= _("Allow trackbacks") %>
          <label for="article_allow_comments">
            <%= check_box 'article', 'allow_comments' %>
            <%= _("Allow comments") %>
      <div class='clearfix'>
      <%= _("Publish <strong>now</strong>") %> <a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('publish'); return false">Change</a>
      <ul class='inputs-list'>
        <li id='publish' style='display: none;'>
          <%= calendar_date_select 'article', 'published_at', {:class => 'span3'} %>
    <div class='clearfix'>
      <%= _("Visibility:") %> <strong>public</strong> <a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('visibility'); return false">Change</a>
      <ul class='inputs-list' id='visibility' style='display: none'>
          <label for="article_password"><%= _("Password:") %>
            <%= password_field :article, :password, :class => 'span3' %>
    <div class='clearfix'>
      <%= _("Permalink:") %> <a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('permalink'); return false">Change</a>
      <ul class='inputs-list' id='permalink' style='display: none'>
            <%= text_field 'article', 'permalink', {:class => 'span4'} %>
    <div class='clearfix'>
      <%= _("Article filter") %>: <strong><%= @article.text_filter.description %></strong> <a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle('text_filter'); return false">Change</a>
      <ul id='text_filter' class='inputs-list' style='display: none'>
          <select name="article[text_filter]" id="text_filter">
            <%= options_for_select text_filter_options, @article.text_filter %>

    <div class='actions'>
      <input id='save_draft' type="submit" value="<%= _('Save as draft') %>" name="article[draft]" class='btn info' />
      <%= save( _("Publish")) %>

  <div class='well'>
    <h4><%= _("Categories") %></h4>
    <%= render 'categories' %>
  <%= get_post_types %>

<div class='editor-left'>
      <%= text_field 'article', 'title', :class => 'span1', :style => ' width: 99%', :placeholder => _('Title') %>

    <%= render('images', { :images => @images}) unless @images.empty? %>

    <div id='editor-menu'>
        <ul class="tabs">
            <li id="f" class='<%= "active" if current_user.editor == 'visual' %>'>
                <%= build_editor_link("Visual", 'insert_editor', 'fck', 'visual_editor', 'visual') %>
            <li id="s" class='<%= "active" if current_user.editor == 'simple' %> '>
                <%= build_editor_link("HTML", 'insert_editor', 'simple', 'simple_editor', 'simple') %>

    <div id="editor">
      <div id='quicktags' style='<%= "display: none;" if current_user.editor == 'visual' %>'>
        <script type="text/javascript">edToolbar('article_body_and_extended');</script>

      <div id ='visual_editor' <%= "style='display: none;'" if current_user.editor == 'simple'%> >
        <%= ckeditor_textarea('article', 'body_and_extended', {:class => 'large', :height => '300px', :rows => '20'}) if current_user.editor == 'visual' %>

      <div id='simple_editor' class='input_text' <%= "style='display: none;'" if current_user.editor == 'visual'%> >
        <%= text_area('article', 'body_and_extended', {:class => 'large', :height => '300px', :rows => '20'}) if current_user.editor == 'simple' %>
        <%= render_macros(@macros) if current_user.editor == 'simple' %>

        <h4><%= _("Tags") %></h4>
    <div class='class'>
      <%= text_field 'article', 'keywords', {:autocomplete => 'off', :style => 'width: 100%'} %>
    <%= auto_complete_field 'article_keywords', { :url => { :action => "auto_complete_for_article_keywords"}, :tokens => ','}%>     

  <div class='separator'>
    <h4><%= _("Excerpt") %></h4>
    <div class=''>
      <%= text_area 'article', 'excerpt', {:height => '150', :style => 'width: 100%', :rows => '5'} %>
      <span class='help-block'><%=_("Excerpts are posts summaries that are shown on your blog homepage only but won’t appear on the post itself") %></span>

  <div class=''>
    <h4><%= _("Uploads") %></h4>
    <p class='help-block'>Uploads will be displayed as attachments in your RSS feed, but won't appear in your articles.</p>
    <ul id='attachments' class='inputs-list'>
      <%= render 'admin/content/attachment', { :attachment_num => 1, :hidden => false } -%>



您需要使用 CSS 将表单左对齐。执行此操作的最佳方法是进入 app/assets/articles.css(或您的任何 CSS 文件)并添加此行:

.left { text-align: left; }

然后返回到您的视图并将您想要对齐的任何内容分配给 "left" class,例如在您的表单中,您可以将相关部分包装在 div 使所有内容左对齐:

<div class="left">
  <%= form_tag(categories_path, :class => className) do %>
    <%= label :article, :merge_with, 'Article ID' %>
    <%= text_field :merge_with , '', {:class => 'span1'}%>
  <% end %>
  <%= submit_tag 'Merge' %>