使用 python 将具有嵌套循环结构的文件解析为列表结构

Parsing file that has nested loop structures into list structure using python

我正在努力解析 FPGA 模拟文件 (.vwf),特别是在使用一种嵌套循环系统指定输入波形的地方。文件格式的一个例子是:

        REPEAT = 1;
        LEVEL 0 FOR 100.0;
        LEVEL 1 FOR 100.0;
            REPEAT = 3;
            LEVEL 0 FOR 100.0;
            LEVEL 1 FOR 100.0;
                REPEAT = 2;
                LEVEL 0 FOR 200.0;
                LEVEL 1 FOR 200.0;
        LEVEL 0 FOR 100.0;

所以这意味着名为 "ADDR[0]" 的通道的逻辑值切换如下:

LEVEL 0 FOR 100.0;
LEVEL 1 FOR 100.0;
LEVEL 0 FOR 100.0;
LEVEL 1 FOR 100.0;
LEVEL 0 FOR 200.0;
LEVEL 1 FOR 200.0;
LEVEL 0 FOR 200.0;
LEVEL 1 FOR 200.0;
LEVEL 0 FOR 100.0;
LEVEL 1 FOR 100.0;
LEVEL 0 FOR 200.0;
LEVEL 1 FOR 200.0;
LEVEL 0 FOR 200.0;
LEVEL 1 FOR 200.0;
LEVEL 0 FOR 100.0;
LEVEL 1 FOR 100.0;
LEVEL 0 FOR 200.0;
LEVEL 1 FOR 200.0;
LEVEL 0 FOR 200.0;
LEVEL 1 FOR 200.0;
LEVEL 0 FOR 100.0;


[[0, 100], [1, 100], [0, 100], [1, 100], [0, 200], [1, 200], [0, 200], [1, 200], [0, 100], [1, 100], [0, 200], [1, 200], [0, 200], [1, 200], [0, 100], [1, 100], [0, 200], [1, 200], [0, 200], [1, 200], [0, 200]]


import pyparsing as pp

def get_data(LINES):
    node_inst = []
    total_inst = []
    r = []
    c = 0

    rep_search = pp.Literal('REPEAT = ') + pp.Word(pp.nums)
    log_search = pp.Literal('LEVEL') + pp.Word('01') + pp.Literal('FOR') + pp.Word(pp.nums + '.')
    bra_search = pp.Literal('}')

    for line in LINES:
        rep = rep_search.searchString(line)
        log = log_search.searchString(line)
        bra = bra_search.searchString(line)

        if rep:
            c += 1
            if c > 1: # no logic values have been found when c == 1
                for R in range(r[-1]):
                    for n in node_inst:
                node_inst = []

        elif log:
                              int(round(1000 * float(log[0][-1])))])

        elif bra:
            if node_inst:
                for R in range(r[-1]):
                    for n in node_inst:
                node_inst = []
            if r:
                del r[-1]

    return total_inst

其中 r 本质上是一个列表,用于跟踪重复值但如果遇到“}”则删除最后一个值。这会产生一些接近的东西,但是循环中重复 2 次的任何值只会重复 2 次,而不是重复 3 次的循环的一部分。



import re

class Node:
    def __init__(self, parent, items, repeat):
        self.parent = parent
        self.items = items
        self.repeat = repeat

root = Node(None, [], 1)
node = root

with open('levels.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
        line = line.strip()
        if line == 'NODE':
            new_node = Node(node, [], 1)
            node = new_node

        if line == '}':
            node = node.parent

        res = re.match('REPEAT = (\d+)', line)
        if res:

        res = re.match('LEVEL (\d+) FOR ([\d.]+)', line)
        if res:
            node.items.append((int(res.group(1)), float(res.group(2))))

def generate(node):
    res = []
    for i in xrange(node.repeat):
        for item in node.items:
            if isinstance(item, Node):
            elif isinstance(item, tuple):
    return res

res = generate(root)

for r in res:
    print r