为什么 Internet Explorer 不支持 SVG SMIL 动画

Why is SVG SMIL animation not supported by Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer 选择不支持 SMIL 动画是否有原因? Internet Explorer 的未来版本是否支持 SMIL 动画?


根据您链接到的 caniuse.com 页面和 official status page for IE and Edge, Microsoft is not planning to add SMIL to IE or Edge anytime soon. Actually, even if it came to Edge it would probably still not come to IE since IE's primary purpose in Windows 10 is legacy compatibility. As for why, I don't know for sure. This (old) answer 表明微软对该规范有一些反对意见,但因为那是 5 年前的事,可能不再是这种情况了。

Microsoft believes that there are spec issues to work out before they add SMIL

此外,this IE blog post 他们在 IE 9 中实现 SVG 时解释了他们当时不支持 SMIL 的原因:

[...] support for SMIL animation of SVG in the web development community is far from strong. The leader of the SVG standardization effort wrote that not supporting SMIL in its current state is probably best “since the SVG WG intends to coordinate with the CSS WG to make some changes to animation and to extend filters.” There’s already work started to reconcile CSS3 animations and SVG.
