需要语法帮助以根据模板参数的类型专门化 class 方法

Need syntax help to specialize class methods based on type of template argument

我有一个通用的线程安全队列 class,它使用 std::priority_queue<std::shared_ptr<T>> 作为容器类型(通过模板参数指定)。但是,我想另外专门化它以使用更简单的 std::queue<std::shared_ptr<T>>。不幸的是,这将意味着使用不同的技术来检索队列的最顶层元素(top() 代表 std::priority_queue<T>front() 代表 std::queue<T>)。我有一个 live coliru demo 显示了 priority_queue 类型的工作原型。但是,如果我尝试通过添加以下代码来使用 std::queue

我从编译器中得到预期的错误,指示 std::queue 没有 top() 方法。

我怀疑获得此权利的关键是对每个 wait_and_pop 方法使用 std::enable_if_t<T>。我该怎么做?

编辑:感谢T.C的建议,我相信适用于 GCC 和 MSVC 的通用解决方案需要对 UtlThreadSafeQueue。有更新直播 coliru demo here:

// Note that overloading 2 function using expression SFINAE
// as shown here does not work on MSVC compiler - it does
// work on later builds of GCC though.
//template<class Q>
//auto front_or_top(Q& q) -> decltype(q.front()) {
//    return q.front();
//template<class Q>
//auto front_or_top(Q& q) -> decltype(q.top()) {
//    return q.top();

// this is a specific overload to work around the missing
// expression SFINAE in MSVC - for the std::queue<T>
template<class T>
auto front_or_top(std::queue<T>& q) -> decltype(q.front()) {
    return q.front();

// this is a specific overload to work around the missing
// expression SFINAE in MSVC - for the std::priority_queue<T>
template<class T>
auto front_or_top(std::priority_queue<T>& q) -> decltype(q.top()) {
    return q.top();

 * default type of container is a std::queue - which by default
 * uses a std::deque<> of std::shared_ptr<T>'s. The default
 * std::queue<T> does not need to order elements, and as
 * such, it does not require an element comparator as is
 * required by its priority queue counterpart.
 * For the UtlThreadSafeQueue variant that uses a priority
 * queue, we must define a comparator to compare
 * <code>std::shared_ptr<T>'s</code>.
 * To use a UtlThreadSafeQueue with a priority_queue container,
 * use as follows:
 * <pre>{@code
 * // using priority queue
 * UtlThreadSafeQueue<PriorityLevel, std::priority_queue<
 *     std::shared_ptr<PriorityLevel>,
 *     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PriorityLevel>>,
 *     ptr_less<std::shared_ptr<PriorityLevel>>>> prtyQ;
 * }</pre>
template<typename T, typename Cont = std::queue<std::shared_ptr<T>>>
class UtlThreadSafeQueue {
    mutable std::mutex mut;
    Cont data_queue;
    std::condition_variable data_cond;
    std::size_t capacity;
    std::atomic<bool> shutdownFlag;


template<class Q>
auto front_or_top(Q& q) -> decltype(q.front()) { return q.front(); }

template<class Q>
auto front_or_top(Q& q) -> decltype(q.top()) { return q.top(); }

然后front_or_top(cont)。请注意,如果容器同时定义了 front()top().


或者,您也可以仅针对 queuepriority_queue 重载 front_or_top

template<class T, class Cont>
auto front_or_top(std::queue<T, Cont>& q) -> decltype(q.front()) { return q.front(); }

template<class T, class Cont, class Comp>
auto front_or_top(std::priority_queue<T, Cont, Comp>& q) -> decltype(q.top()) { return q.top(); }