这个 6 字节(48 位)数字是什么类型……浮点数?整数?

What type is this 6 byte (48 bit) number... floating point? integer?

我必须阅读 MS-DOS 程序使用的一些遗留数据文件。大部分都很简单,但我想不出一种数据类型; 代表整数的 6 字节序列。


| num | bytes as hex      |
|   0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 |
|   1 | 80 7b 14 ae 47 61 |
|   2 | 80 20 d0 91 7b 14 |
|   3 | 80 20 d0 92 5c d0 |
|   4 | 80 20 d0 92 7b 14 |
|   5 | 80 20 d0 93 5c d0 |
|   6 | 80 20 d0 93 d0 bb |
|   7 | 80 20 d0 93 7a 14 |
|   8 | 80 20 d0 93 09 e2 |
|   9 | 80 20 d0 94 d1 9b |
|  10 | 80 20 d0 94 14 d0 |
|  16 | 84 48 e1 7a 14 7e |
|  20 | 85 0a d7 a3 70 1d |
|  32 | 86 ec 51 b8 1e 20 |
|  48 | 86 86 eb 51 b8 40 |
|  73 | 87 00 00 00 00 12 |
| 100 | 87 00 00 00 00 48 |
| 130 | 88 00 00 00 80 01 |





上面的示例显示了一个字节序列,此处以十六进制值表示,从文件中剪切并粘贴到此处。我确定字节序列是用来表示数字的,因为我可以在 MS-DOS 程序中更改数值、保存到文件并比较结果。


为了从二进制形式读写 48 位实数,您可以看一下:

这看起来像 6 字节[48 位] 真正的浮点 pascal 格式

帕斯卡实数的值介于 2.9E-39 (2.9 x 10^-39) 到 1.7E38 (1.7 x 10^38) 之间。



[我从文章末尾列出的 wiki 中获取了它,但无论如何: Turbo Pascal Real]

// This program expects a byte array named real48[6] to be loaded with the 6 bytes of the real from the file. 

Double exponentbase = 129d;
Double exponent = real48[0] - exponentbase; // The exponent is offset so deduct the base.

// Now Calculate the mantissa
Double mantissa = 0.0;
Double value = 1.0;
// For Each Byte.
for (int i = 5; i >= 1; i--)
    int startbit = 7;
    if (i == 5)
    { startbit = 6; } //skip the sign bit.

    //For Each Bit
    for (int j = startbit; j >= 0; j--)
        value = value / 2;// Each bit is worth half the next bit but we're going backwards.
        if (((real48[i] >> j) & 1) == 1) //if this bit is set.
            mantissa += value; // add the value.


if (mantissa == 1.0 && real48[0] == 0) // Test for null value
    return 0.0;

if ((real48[5] & 0x80) == 1) // Sign bit check
    mantissa = -mantissa;

return (1 + mantissa) * Math.Pow(2.0, exponent);

如果你想要更现代的|您可以使用 Simeon Pilgrim 在本文中向我们展示的代码来实现 POO 代码:

Pascal 6-byte real to IEEE 8-byte double

Warning To use the method exposed by Pilgrim you need to be careful with byte ordering

// expl: 100=>                       87 00  00 00   00 48
var theMethodParam = new ushort[] { 0x0087, 0x0000, 0x4800 };


Turbo Pascal Real



来自 JuanK 的 C# 代码有多个错误:

Real48[0] == 0 

始终等于值 0.0


if ((real48[5] & 0x80) == 1)


if ((real48[5] & 0x80) == 0x80)


if ((real48[5] & 0x80) != 0)


mantissa = 1 + mantissa ;

if ( (real48[5] & 0x80) != 0 ) // Sign bit check
  mantissa = -mantissa;


// This program expects a byte array named real48[6] to be loaded with the 6 bytes of the real from the file.

// real48[0] == 0 is represents the value 0.
if ( real48[0] == 0 )
  return 0.0 ;

Double exponentbase = 129d;
Double exponent = real48[0] - exponentbase; // The exponent is offset so deduct the base.

// Now Calculate the mantissa
Double mantissa = 0.0;
Double value = 1.0;
// For Each Byte.
for (int i = 5; i >= 1; i--)
  int startbit = 7;
  if (i == 5)
  { startbit = 6; } //skip the sign bit.

  //For Each Bit
  for (int j = startbit; j >= 0; j--)
    value = value / 2;// Each bit is worth half the next bit but we're going backwards.
    if (((real48[i] >> j) & 1) == 1) //if this bit is set.
      mantissa += value; // add the value.

// The significand ia 1 + mantissa.
// This must come before applying the sign.
mantissa = 1 + mantissa ;

if ( (real48[5] & 0x80) != 0 ) // Sign bit check
  mantissa = -mantissa;

return (mantissa) * Math.Pow(2.0, exponent);