基本 Java 骰子表示

Basic Java dice representation

我正在尝试用给定的 类(正方形、圆形和 Canvas)来表示 Java 中的骰子,我已经表示了骰子的盒子用正方形但在代表n个圆圈时我做了一个圆圈矩阵,但它没有出现,这是我的骰子构造函数:

public Dice(){

    dice = new Rectangle();

    Circle matrix[][] = new Circle[3][3];
    matrix[0][0] = new Circle();
    matrix[0][1] = null;
    matrix[0][2] = new Circle();
    matrix[1][0] = new Circle();
    matrix[1][1] = new Circle();
    matrix[1][2] = new Circle();
    matrix[2][0] = new Circle();
    matrix[2][1] = null;
    matrix[2][2] = new Circle();

// Circle 
    diameter = 20;
    xPositionDot = 20;
    yPositionDot = 15;
    colorDot = "blue";
    isVisibleDot = false;

// Box
    height = 100;
    width = 100;
    colorBox = "red";
    xPosition = 70;
    yPosition = 15;
    isVisible = false;


在我的最后一个骰子游戏中,我创建了一个 class 只是为了绘制骰子面。我实例化了6次class,通过调用draw方法绘制了6张人脸,保存在一个Image数组中。

package com.ggl.dice.game.view;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

public class DieImage {

    /** Side of a die in pixels */
    private static final int    SIDE            = 64;

    private static final int    SPOT_DIAMETER   = 10;

    private Image               image;

    public DieImage() {
        image = new BufferedImage(SIDE, SIDE, 

    public Image draw(int count) {
        int w = image.getWidth(null);
        int h = image.getHeight(null);

        Graphics g = image.getGraphics();

        drawBorder(g, w, h);
        drawBackground(g, w, h);
        drawSpots(g, w, h, count);

        return image;

    private void drawBorder(Graphics g, int w, int h) {
        g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);

    private void drawBackground(Graphics g, int w, int h) {
        g.fillRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6);

    private void drawSpots(Graphics g, int w, int h, int count) {

        switch (count) {
        case 1:
            drawSpot(g, w / 2, h / 2);
        case 3:
            drawSpot(g, w / 2, h / 2);
            // Fall thru to next case
        case 2:
            drawSpot(g, w / 4, h / 4);
            drawSpot(g, 3 * w / 4, 3 * h / 4);
        case 5:
            drawSpot(g, w / 2, h / 2);
            // Fall thru to next case
        case 4:
            drawSpot(g, w / 4, h / 4);
            drawSpot(g, 3 * w / 4, 3 * h / 4);
            drawSpot(g, 3 * w / 4, h / 4);
            drawSpot(g, w / 4, 3 * h / 4);
        case 6:
            drawSpot(g, w / 4, h / 4);
            drawSpot(g, 3 * w / 4, 3 * h / 4);
            drawSpot(g, 3 * w / 4, h / 4);
            drawSpot(g, w / 4, 3 * h / 4);
            drawSpot(g, w / 4, h / 2);
            drawSpot(g, 3 * w / 4, h / 2);

    private void drawSpot(Graphics g, int x, int y) {
        g.fillOval(x - SPOT_DIAMETER / 2, y - SPOT_DIAMETER / 2, 
