如何使用 php 替换 CSV 文件中一行中的 1 个值?

How do I replace 1 value within a row in a CSV file using php?


CSV 文件:


PHP: ("cNewPassword" = 确认新密码)

if(empty($_POST['oldPassword']) ||  empty($_POST['newPassword']) || empty($_POST['cNewPassword'])) {
    die("ERROR|Please fill out all of the fields.");
} else {
    if($_POST['newPassword'] == $_POST['cNewPassword']) {
        if ($_POST['oldPassword'] == $_SESSION['password']) {

            $file = "Database/Users.csv";
            $fh = fopen($file, "w");
            while(! feof($file)) {
                $rows = fgetcsv($file);
                if ($rows[4] == $_POST['oldPassword'] && $rows[1] == $_SESSION['username']) {
                    //Replace line here
                    echo("SUCCESS|Password changed!");
        die("ERROR|Your current password is not correct!");
    die("ERROR|New passwords do not match!");

您需要一个 3 步过程来执行此操作(创建 3 个循环,可以优化为 1 或 2 个循环):

  1. 加载相关数据到内存
  2. 更新所需数据
  3. 将数据保存到文件

祝你好运! :)

PS。此外,您的密码永远不应以明文形式存储,无论是内存(会话)还是磁盘(csv),请使用 hasing 函数!

您必须以读取模式打开文件,以写入模式打开一个临时文件,将修改后的数据写入其中,然后是 delete/rename 个文件。我建议尝试设置一个真正的数据库并使用它工作,但如果你要使用 csv,代码应该看起来或多或少像这样:

$input = fopen('Database/Users.csv', 'r');  //open for reading
$output = fopen('Database/temporary.csv', 'w'); //open for writing
while( false !== ( $data = fgetcsv($input) ) ){  //read each line as an array

   //modify data here
   if ($data[4] == $_POST['oldPassword'] && $data[1] == $_SESSION['username']) {
      //Replace line here
      $data[4] = $_POST['newPassword'];
      echo("SUCCESS|Password changed!");

   //write modified data to new file
   fputcsv( $output, $data);

//close both files
fclose( $input );
fclose( $output );

//clean up
unlink('Database/Users.csv');// Delete obsolete BD
rename('Database/temporary.csv', 'Database/Users.csv'); //Rename temporary to new


我的建议是我的一个小函数,它将把你的数据库数据变成一个你可以修改的数组,然后 return 到原始状态:

使用这组函数,您只需精确地确定每个 row/row 数据是如何分离的。

function dbToArray($db, $row_separator = "\n", $data_separator = ",") {
    // Let's seperator each row of data.
    $separate = explode($row_separator, $db);

    // First line is always the table column name:

    $table_columns =
    $table_rows = array();

    foreach ($separate as $key => $row) {
        // Now let's get each column data out.
        $data = explode($data_separator, $row);

        // I always assume the first $row of data contains the column names.
        if ($key == 0)
            $table_columns = $data;
        else if ($key > 0 && count($table_columns) == count($data)) // Let's just make sure column amount matches.
            $table_rows[] = array_combine($table_columns, $data);

    // Return an array with columns, and rows; each row data is bound with it's equivalent column name.
    return array(
        'columns' => $table_columns,
        'rows' => $table_rows,

function arrayToDb(array $db, $row_separator = "\n", $data_separator = ",") {
    // A valid db array must contain a columns and rows keys.
    if (isset($db['columns']) && isset($db['rows'])) {
        // Let's now make sure it contains an array. (This might too exagerated of me to check that)
        $db['columns'] = (array) $db['columns'];
        $db['rows'] = (array) $db['rows'];

        // Now let's rewrite the db string imploding columns:
        $returnDB = implode($data_separator, $db['columns']).$row_separator;

        foreach ($db['rows'] as $row) {
            // And imploding each row data.
            $returnDB .= implode($data_separator, $row).$row_separator;

        // Retunr the data.
        return $returnDB;

    // Faaaaaaaaaaaail !
    return FALSE;

让我们指出我在你的数据库示例中尝试了这些,即使在测试它自己的结果时它仍然有效,例如:dbToArray(arrayToDb(dbToArray())) 多次。

希望有所帮助。如果我能更清楚,请不要犹豫。 :)
