firefox bootstrap 插件:未执行安装事件

firefox bootstrap addon: install event is not executed

我正在尝试创建一个引导插件,它只是在安装时将新选项卡 url 设置为新值,并在卸载时将其重置为旧值。

这是我的bootstrap.js。我认为 install 函数会抛出异常,因为 require 没有定义,但我不确定调试器是否在正确的范围内执行了我在 Scratchpad 中编写的代码。

我在某处读到 api 与附加 sdk 的自举扩展相同,因此 require 应该没问题。如果不是这种情况,能否将我引导至描述我可以在 bootstrap.js 中使用的代码的页面,我没有找到任何内容:(

function startup(data, reason){


function shutdown(data, reason){


function install(data, reason){
    var prev_new_tab_url = require("sdk/preferences/service").get("browser.newtab.url");
    var data = require("sdk/self").data;
    var url = data.url("startpage.html");
    require("sdk/preferences/service").set("browser.newtab.url", url);
    var ss = require("sdk/simple-storage"); = prev_new_tab_url;

function uninstall(data, reason){
    var ss = require("sdk/simple-storage");
    var prev_new_tab_url =;
    require("sdk/preferences/service").set("browser.newtab.url", prev_new_tab_url);

普通引导加载项不会自动访问 SDK,即没有 require

  1. 要么专门使用非 SDK 内容,例如 nsIPrefBranchServices.jsm
  2. 或者先写一个SDK插件
  3. 或者自己为您的附加组件连接 SDK 加载器。除了 SDK 附加组件本身(嘿),我知道的唯一实例是 Scriptish.


in bootstrap you dont have access to sdk stuff like that. im not sure how to access that stuff.

but i made exactly what you are looking for with localization :D took like 10min :D

note: the quirk that localization files are not available during the uninstall procedure. so i had to move this to shutodwn proc while testing for aReason of ADDON_DISABLE. it makes sense that files are not available in uninstall


How do you know the Services.prefs.getCharPref method?


I first imported the Services.jsm module then i looked on MDN for what all it had:

then i saw prefs then it linked to nsIPrefBranch and that documented all of it. nsIPrefBranch2 is deprecated so I knew it wasn't that.

MDN is your friend :)