Telegram 机器人:将全文显示为 ReplyKeyboardMarkup 按钮

Telegram bot: Show full text as ReplyKeyboardMarkup button

我正在开发一个类似投票的机器人,我想在其中将选项显示为按钮。 有些选项包含 10 个或更多单词。 当我将该文本作为按钮输入时,中间的单词转换为点。 IE: "We have the capacity to receive messages from the stars and the songs of the night winds."

当我把它作为一个按钮时,它会显示如下: "We have the capacity to ... of the night winds".


我建议你;使用命令而不是回复键盘。 您可以轻松地将斜杠和数字添加到您选择的开头,以便用户可以单击它:

/1 We have the capacity to receive messages from the stars and the songs of the night winds.
/2 We have not the capacity to receive messages from the stars and the songs of the night winds.
/3 test test test
/4 example example example

/1/2/3/4 将转换为 link 并转换为可点击的文本。