
Structured data accessibility page


我对架构略知一二,到目前为止,我已经在网站上添加了面包屑、产品信息等内容(并且 Google 认出了它并用它做了很酷的事情!!!


    <h2>Access Keys:</h2>
    <p>Most browsers support jumping to specific links by typing keys defined on the web site. Primary navigation links (sections) on this site use the following access keys:</p>
        <li>Access key s &ndash;  skip to content</li>
        <li>Access key 0 &ndash; Home Page</li>
        <li>Access key 1 &ndash; Contact</li>
        <li>Access key 2 &ndash; Reps</li>
        <li>Access key 3 &ndash; Fees</li>
        <li>Access key 4 &ndash; About</li>
        <li>Access key 5 &ndash; Login / My Account</li>
        <li>Access key 6 &ndash; Join Us</li>
        <li>Access key 7 &ndash; Cart</li>
        <li>Access key 8 &ndash; Policies</li>
        <li>Access key 9 &ndash; Accessibility</li>
    <p>Depending on the web browser, please use following key combinations to use access keys:</p>
    <h4>Keystroke combinations</h4>
    <p>Different browsers use different keystrokes to activate accesskey shortcuts, as shown below:</p>
        <li>Alt + [the accesskey]
                <li>Internet Explorer for Windows</li>
                <li>Chrome for Windows (not that Shift is required in some circumstances</li>
                <li>Safari for Windows</li>
        <li>Shift + Alt + [the accesskey]
                <li>Firefox for Windows</li>
        <li>Ctrl + Option / alt + [the accesskey]
                <li>Safari for Mac</li>
                <li>Chrome for Mac</li>
                <li>Firefox for Mac</li>


简短的回答是否定的。辅助功能应被视为 "usability for the disabled"。就像无法在源代码中指示网站的可用性级别一样,也无法指示可访问性级别。

如果您的文档类型是HTML5,您可以考虑使用semantic sectioning tags。将导航链接包裹在

如果 Schema.org 包含相关属性,它们很可能是为 WebPage 类型定义的。

您会看到它们定义了一些与辅助功能相关的属性,即(截至 version 2.01):

这些属性的可能值列在 http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebSchemas/Accessibility

您也可以将这些属性应用于 WebSite (or any other CreativeWork)。


这是使用 http://schema.org/WebPage plus http://schema.org/Book 等的属性完成的,例如

<meta itemprop="accessibilityControl" content="fullMouseControl"/>
<meta itemprop="accessibilityHazard" content="noFlashing"/>
<meta itemprop="accessibilityHazard" content="MotionSimulation"/>
<meta itemprop="accessibilityHazard" content="Sound"/>

可以在 https://schema.org/accessibilityControl 上找到更多示例。

我发现 this 对决定添加什么非常有帮助。

在被 schema.org 接受之前 here 描述了原始提案,它仍然包含示例,但考虑到结构化数据的变化速度,我无法评论其准确性。