
Unpack multiple variables from sequence

我希望下面的代码能够打印 chr7

import strutils

var splitLine = "chr7    127471196  127472363  Pos1  0  +".split()
var chrom, startPos, endPos = splitLine[0..2]
echo chrom

而是打印 @[chr7, 127471196, 127472363].



var chrom, startPos, strand = splitLine[0..1, 5]


read_bed.nim(8, 40) Error: type mismatch: got (seq[string], Slice[system.int], int literal(5))
but expected one of:
system.[](a: array[Idx, T], x: Slice[system.int])
system.[](s: string, x: Slice[system.int])
system.[](a: array[Idx, T], x: Slice[[].Idx])
system.[](s: seq[T], x: Slice[system.int])

  var chrom, startPos, strand = splitLine[0..1, 5]

目前 Nim 中的模式匹配仅适用于 tuples。这也是有道理的,因为模式匹配需要一个静态已知的元数。例如,如果 seq 的长度不是三,在您的示例中应该发生什么?请注意,在您的示例中,序列的长度只能在运行时确定,因此编译器不知道是否真的可以提取三个变量。

因此我认为由@def- 链接的 the solution 正朝着正确的方向前进。此示例使用数组,do 具有静态已知大小。在这种情况下,编译器知道元组元数,即提取定义明确。


import macros

macro extract(args: varargs[untyped]): typed =
  ## assumes that the first expression is an expression
  ## which can take a bracket expression. Let's call it
  ## `arr`. The generated AST will then correspond to:
  ## let <second_arg> = arr[0]
  ## let <third_arg>  = arr[1]
  ## ...
  result = newStmtList()
  # the first vararg is the "array"
  let arr = args[0]
  var i = 0
  # all other varargs are now used as "injected" let bindings
  for arg in args.children:
    if i > 0:
      var rhs = newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr)

      let assign = newLetStmt(arg, rhs) # could be replaced by newVarStmt
    i += 1
  #echo result.treerepr

let s = @["X", "Y", "Z"]

s.extract(a, b, c)
# this essentially produces:
# let a = s[0]
# let b = s[1]
# let c = s[2]

# check if it works:
echo a, b, c

我还没有包括对 seq 长度的检查,所以如果 seq 没有​​所需的长度,你只会得到越界错误。另一个警告:如果第一个表达式不是文字,表达式将是 evaluated/calculated 几次。

请注意,_ 文字允许在 let 绑定中作为占位符,这意味着您可以这样做:

s.extract(a, b, _, _, _, x)

这将解决您的 splitLine[0..1, 5] 示例,顺便说一句,这根本不是有效的索引语法。


import macros

macro `..=`*(lhs: untyped, rhs: tuple|seq|array): auto =
  # Check that the lhs is a tuple of identifiers.
  expectKind(lhs, nnkPar)
  for i in 0..len(lhs)-1:
    expectKind(lhs[i], nnkIdent)
  # Result is a statement list starting with an
  # assignment to a tmp variable of rhs.
  let t = genSym()
  result = newStmtList(quote do:
    let `t` = `rhs`)
  # assign each component to the corresponding
  # variable.
  for i in 0..len(lhs)-1:
    let v = lhs[i]
    # skip assignments to _.
    if $v.toStrLit != "_":
      result.add(quote do:
        `v` = `t`[`i`])

macro headAux(count: int, rhs: seq|array|tuple): auto =
  let t = genSym()
  result = quote do:
    let `t` = `rhs`
  for i in 0..count.intVal-1:
    result[1].add(quote do:

template head*(count: static[int], rhs: untyped): auto =
  # We need to redirect this through a template because
  # of a bug in the current Nim compiler when using
  # static[int] with macros.
  headAux(count, rhs)

var x, y: int
(x, y) ..= (1, 2)
echo x, y
(x, _) ..= (3, 4)
echo x, y
(x, y) ..= @[4, 5, 6]
echo x, y
let z = head(2, @[4, 5, 6])
echo z
(x, y) ..= head(2, @[7, 8, 9])
echo x, y

..= 宏解包元组或序列赋值。例如,您可以使用 var (x, y) = (1, 2) 完成相同的操作,但 ..= 也适用于序列和数组,并允许您重用变量。

head template/macro 从元组、数组或序列中提取第一个 count 元素,并将它们 returns 作为元组(然后可以像任何其他元组,例如使用 letvar).


对于任何正在寻找快速解决方案的人来说,这是我编写的一个名为 unpack 的灵​​活包。

您可以使用如下语法来执行序列和对象 destructuring/unpacking:

someSeqOrTupleOrArray.lunpack(a, b, c)
[a2, b2, c2] <- someSeqOrTupleOrArray

{name, job} <- tim

tom.lunpack(job, otherName = name)
{job, name: yetAnotherName} <- john

另一个选项是 package definesugar:

import strutils, definesugar

# need to use splitWhitespace instead of split to prevent empty string elements in sequence
var splitLine = "chr7    127471196  127472363  Pos1  0  +".splitWhitespace()
echo splitLine

  (chrom, startPos, endPos) := splitLine[0..2]
  echo chrom # chr7
  echo startPos # 127471196
  echo endPos # 127472363

  (chrom, startPos, strand) := splitLine[0..1] & splitLine[5] # splitLine[0..1, 5] not supported
  echo chrom
  echo startPos
  echo strand # +

# alternative syntax
  (chrom, startPos, *_, strand) := splitLine
  echo chrom
  echo startPos
  echo strand
