Devexpress WinForms 地图控件 - 从地址获取地理点(坐标)

Devexpress WinForms Map Control - Get Geopoint (Coordinates) from address

我目前正在做一个项目,我的表单上有一张地图。该地图是使用 devexpress 的 Map-Control 实现的。我在地图上有一些图钉,代表一些重要的地方。他们通过坐标获取位置,如下所示:

GeoPoint location = new GeoPoint(47, 9);
MapPushpin pp1 = new MapPushpin();
pp1.Location = location;

我问自己是否可以让用户在文本框中输入地址,该地址会自动转换为地理点并添加到地图中。 这可能吗?

I was asking myself if it would be possible to let a user type in an address in a textbox, which is automatically translated into a geopoint, and added to the map. Is that possible?

是的,这是可能的。查看文档 - Searching 部分包含演示如何为地图控件提供搜索功能的示例。

DevExpress 代码示例数据库中提供了演示如何完成任务的完整示例项目:How to: manually generate map items for location information received from the Bing Search provider