Google 地点选取器 API 查询应用范围内的地点?

Google Place Picker API Query for App-scoped Places?

我最近一直在查看 scope 键下的以下 link to add to my application. It is the Google Place Picker API. I also know how to add places to the list of places that the Place Picker API uses to query for so that my custom places can appear in Place Picker API. However, I want it so that the Place Picker API only queries for just the places that have been created only by my application, and not for any other places that the Google Places API provides. I have found that this example query,它可以帮助我确定创建的地点是通过我的应用还是由 Google 创建的。我想要它,以便地点选择器 API 仅查询我的应用程序创建的地点。有什么办法吗?那将不胜感激。谢谢!

这不可能,抱歉。 iOS 或 Android 地点选择器都没有执行此操作的选项。

其实都是AndroidPlace class and the iOS GMSPlace class lack the scope property, which only exists on the Places API web service今天

您必须自己构建它,例如通过显示地图并为您的地点添加标记等,而不是使用 Google Places API for iOS(或 Android)中的地点选择器小部件。