解释这个 SELECT WHERE 子查询是如何工作的?

Explain how this SELECT WHERE subquery works?


SELECT ID, Name, EventTime, State
FROM mytable as mm Where EventTime IN
(Select MAX(EventTime) from mytable mt where mt.id=mm.id)

这是 fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/9630c0/5 来源于此S.O。题: Select distinct rows whilst grouping by max value


我真的不明白 mt.id=mm.id 部分中别名的作用。它选择 id 等于 id?


mt.id=mm.id 部分使其成为 correlated subquery,因此子查询会针对每个 ID 重新计算。

查询然后为每个 ID 选择最近的事件。

基本翻译成"Get me the data for each id with maximum EventTime associated with."


SELECT t1.ID, t1.Name, t1.EventTime, t1.State FROM mytable as t1
inner join
select id,max(EventTime) as EventTime from mytable group by id
) as t2 on t1.id=t2.id and t1.EventTime=t2.EventTime