在从 RDLC 报告导出到 Excel 的列上显示过滤器

Display Filters on columns exported into Excel from RDLC report

我想在从 RDLC 报告导出的 excel 文件中的某些(或可能是全部)列上显示过滤器。我每天生成很多文件,每次生成文件时,我都必须打开 excel 文件,select 所有列,然后对它们应用过滤器。在 RDLC 报告中有什么办法,当数据导出到 excel?


关于您的回答,如果您有创建高级文档的需求,请看这里Link. In the current version of SSRS it is not possible to export an excel with added filters. I have worked with rdlc and rdl formats quite alot and ssrs is highly lacking when it comes to advanced formatting and additional features like filters. You may want to look at something like Aspose。希望对你有帮助