如何在 Sonarqube 中导入 findbug/PMD

How to Import findbug/PMD in Sonar Qube

如何在声纳 Qube 中导入 FindBug/PMD(XML 格式)的配置文件?我知道方法,但是在哪里可以找到要导入的 XML 文件?


The SonarQube Java plugin alone already covers all the Checkstyle and PMD rules - which is why the related plugins are no more bundled in SonarQube. So you can get rid of those plugins and forget the related rules.

Concerning Findbugs, most rules are complementary to the SonarQube Java plugin rules. There's no "Sonar way with Findbugs" profile anymore because that's the convention for all the language plugin to have only a "Sonar way" profile.
