我在哪里可以下载 Spring DM jar 文件?

Where can I download the Spring DM jar files?

实际上我在阅读 Spring 动态模块和 OSGi。他们都引用了 URL http://www.springsource.org/osgi 下载相关的库和 jar 文件。

正如你所证实的,每次我点击这个 url,它都会给我以下错误页面:

所以我在寻找替代方案,然后找到 manning 论坛,可以在这里找到 https://forums.manning.com/posts/list/25280.page 在这个论坛中,他们回答:

go to this page: http://www.springsource.org/download

最后,当我点击最后一个 link 时,它被重定向到 http://spring.io/projects 站点,其中没有 [=32] 的迹象=] 马克。

我的问题是 How/Where 我可以下载最新版本的 Spring DM 库吗?

看起来该项目已移至 Eclipse,现在称为 Eclispe Gemini Blueprint(http://www.eclipse.org/gemini/blueprint/ - 也有指向下载页面的链接),我也不太确定该项目是否存在.


Chapter 1. Spring Dynamic Modules becomes Eclipse Gemini Blueprint

In late 2009, as a member of the Gemini project proposal, SpringSource contributed Spring Dynamic Modules (also known as Spring OSGi) project to the Eclipse Foundation. Spring DM v2 code base has been moved to Eclipse.org along with its issue tracker and forum. The project became dual licensed under Apache License and EPL. While the name has changed, the code and its functionality remained the same. Existing Spring DM applications can be easily migrated to Eclipse Gemini Blueprint as mentioned in the migration guide. While the project name has changed (to Eclipse Gemini Blueprint) and significant efforts have been made to reflect this in the project documentation and resources, there might be places that we have missed; if you find any, please report them to us.

Spring DM已经停服好久了。

现在被蓝图取代,蓝图是一个OSGi标准。有两种实现Apache Aries Blueprint and Eclipse Gemini Blueprint.

请记住,尽管该蓝图与 spring 不完全兼容。例如,您不能轻易使用 spring 命名空间。另一方面,蓝图比 spring DM 更适合 OSGi,这会导致很多类加载问题。

为了在两种实现之间进行选择,我建议选择与您的运行时环境相匹配的实现。如果您打算进行服务器端工作,那么您应该考虑 Apache Karaf。它与 Apache Aries 集成得很好,但与 Gemini 集成得不太好。另一方面,如果您选择 Eclipse virgo 作为服务器,那么 Eclipse Gemini Blueprint 是更好的选择。