
View last transaction made by sales rep at the end of every day during last week

我对 SQL 很熟悉,但对 crystal 报告很陌生。


RepName, transactionDateTime, transactionAmount

此 table 包含的数据包含每个销售代表在 1 月份的整个月份所做的每个交易明细。

我想在 Crystal 报告中进行过滤,以便获得以下信息: 对于每个销售代表,我想查看上周每天结束前进行的最后一笔交易。如果销售代表当天不工作,he/she 将不会有 "last transction made during that day" 因此该行将在 transactionAmount 字段显示空白


RepName, TransactionDateTime, TransactionAmount
John, Sun, 
John, Mon, 
John, Tues, 
John, Wed, 
John, Thurs, 
John, Fri, (blank)        <--- John did not work on Friday, thus no value here
John, Sat, 

将字段放在详细信息部分,并在部分专家中为详细信息部分设置 supress blank section