
Why not always configure for max number of event hub partitions?

Azure Event Hubs overview 文章陈述如下:

The number of partitions is specified at the Event Hub creation time and must be between 8 and 32. Partitions are a data organization mechanism and are more related to the degree of downstream parallelism required in consuming applications than to Event Hubs throughput. This makes the choice of the number of partitions in an Event Hub directly related to the number of concurrent readers you expect to have. After Event Hub creation, the partition count is not changeable; you should consider this number in terms of long-term expected scale. You can increase the 32 partition limit by contacting the Azure Service Bus team.

由于在初始创建后无法更改事件中心上的分区数,为什么不始终将其配置为最大分区数 32?我没有看到这样做有任何 pricing 影响。有一些性能折衷吗?

另外,作为另一个旁注,我似乎能够创建一个分区少于 8 个的事件中心。文章说必须在8-32之间。不知道为什么这么说...

据我了解,每个分区都需要自己的使用者。您可以通过单个进程、多个进程上的多线程,甚至通过每个 运行 个进程的多页机器来实现。但这带来了一定程度的复杂性。要么管理所有进程以确保所有分区都被使用,要么用于同步跨分区的 items/events。

因此,与其说是定价,不如说是 scalability/complexity。 :)