Yiic 多数据库迁移

Yiic migration for multiple database

是否可以运行 Yiic migrate create 命令用于多个数据库?


例如。 Andrew.Digital.com、Samson.Digital.com 将有两个数据库但指向相同的源代码。

所以我只想知道是否有可能对多个数据库使用 Yiic 迁移?

什么是 SAAS(多租户)https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479086.aspx

您可以在 protected/config/console.php



/yiic migrate --connectionID=db         # The default
/yiic migrate --connectionID=andrew     # connection andrew
/yiic migrate --connectionID=client3    # connection client3

您可以配置多个数据库连接并在 migrate 命令中提及 @crafter,或者您可以在 运行 时覆盖数据库连接并创建它动态.

这里有一些步骤可以覆盖默认的 Yii 迁移控制器 class 并使用多个数据库迁移。



2:将以下内容添加到上面创建的class (MigrateController) (console/controllers/MigrateController).


 * Yii MigrateController class that will override default up functionality & used dynamic connection based on your settings, or DB lists
 * @author Nadeem Akhtar <nadeem@myswich.com>
 * Date: 1/19/16
 * Time: 4:34 PM

namespace console\controllers;

use Yii;
use yii\console\controllers\MigrateController as BaseMigrateController;
use yii\helpers\Console;

 * Test controller
class MigrateController extends BaseMigrateController {

     * init function
     * */
    public function init() {

     * Upgrades the application by applying new migrations.
     * For example,
     * ```
     * yii migrate     # apply all new migrations
     * yii migrate 3   # apply the first 3 new migrations
     * ```
     * @param integer $limit the number of new migrations to be applied. If 0, it means
     * applying all available new migrations.
     * @return integer the status of the action execution. 0 means normal, other values mean abnormal.
     * Example call: **./yii migrate/migrate-up**
    public function actionMigrateUp($limit = 0)
        // Get all databases from companies settings
        $companies = Companies::find()->where('settings')->all();

        foreach($companies as $company) {

            $this->setRunTimeConnection($company['settings']); // This will set dynamic connection based on your record in DB

            $this->stdout("New migration founds for ".$company['name'].".\n", Console::FG_GREEN); // print message to show which migration is runing for which company 

     * Dynamic connection
     * Override default **Yii::$app->db** settings         
     * */

    public function setRunTimeConnection($setting) {

        $host = $setting['DB_host'];
        $dbName = $setting['DB_name'];

        $dsn = "mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbName"; //Host & Database
        Yii::$app->db->dsn = $dsn;
        Yii::$app->db->username = $setting['DB_username'];
        Yii::$app->db->password = $setting['DB_password'];

3: 在你的 console/config/main.php

添加 migrate controller map
'controllerMap' => [
        'migrate'   => 'console\controllers\MigrateController',

4:现在创建一些虚拟迁移并在 $array 列表中添加三个或四个数据库

