使用 jquery 在 ajax 的回调中调用 ajax

Calling ajax in callback of ajax using jquery

假设第一个 Ajax 调用会成功(是的,它会成功)。

我在回调中调用 ajax,如下所示

function OnSuccess(data) {

                    if (data.d[4].toLowerCase().indexOf("success") >= 0) {
                        $('#resetMsg').html('Password has been sent on ' + data.d[3]);
                            type: "GET",
                            url: "frmLogin.aspx/SendMail",
                            data: '{"mailTo":"' + data.d[3] + '","reqName":"' + data.d[0] + '","username":"' + $('#txtUser').val() + '","password":"' + data.d[2] + '"}',
                            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                            dataType: "json"
                    else {

我的 WebMethod

    static void SendMail(string mailTo, string reqName, string username, string password)
        CommonClient commonSvc = new CommonClient();
        bool mailStatus = false;
        if (mailTo != string.Empty)
            bool isValid = CommonUtility.isValidEmail(mailTo);
            if (!isValid)
                mailStatus = false;
        string From = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FromEmailID"];
        string Subject = "LEAP - password reset";
        StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder();
        body.Append("Password reset successfully for " + reqName +"<br>");
        body.Append("Username: " + username + "<br>");
        body.Append("Password: " + password + "<br>");
        string ErrorMsg = "";
            MailAddress from = new MailAddress(From, "HDFCERGO");
            MailMessage Mail = new MailMessage();
            Mail.From = from;
            Mail.Subject = Subject;
            Mail.Body = body.ToString();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BCCEmailID"].ToString()))
            Mail.IsBodyHtml = true;

            SmtpClient smtpMailObj = new SmtpClient();
            mailStatus = true;
        catch (Exception Ex)
            ErrorMsg = Ex.Message;
            mailStatus = false;
            LogMailSentDetails(body.ToString(), Subject, mailTo, From, mailStatus == true ? "Success" : "Failed", ErrorMsg);

但它永远不会被调用.. :( 是因为我没有正确传递参数吗?请帮助我 :(

WebMethod 属性需要与 public 方法一起使用:

How to: Use the WebMethod Attribute


public static void SendMail(string mailTo, string reqName, string username, string password)
 //rest of code

您还需要使用 post 方法来调用该方法,因为这是默认行为,而不是 get 方法。