通配符 MIME 子类型

Wildcard MIME subtype

我想在数据 URI 中使用 image/* MIME 类型,例如...<img/> 元素中。

image/* 不是官方的 MIME 类型(尽管浏览器可能足够智能以呈现它)。

根据RFC 2046(第 4.2 节),您可以通过两种方式处理通用/未知图像:

Unrecognized subtypes of "image" should at a miniumum be treated as "application/octet-stream". Implementations may optionally elect to pass subtypes of "image" that they do not specifically recognize to a secure and robust general-purpose image viewing application, if such an application is available.

NOTE: Using of a generic-purpose image viewing application this way inherits the security problems of the most dangerous type supported by the application.

也就是说,您可以传递最通用(和官方)的 MIME 类型,即 application/octet-stream 您可以使用 image/image。任何浏览器都应该能够识别图像类型,但我不确定。据我所知,浏览器对 jpggifpng 没有问题 - 但我不能说其他许多文件类型的情况如何。