VS 2015:JS 文件中没有突出显示和智能感知

VS 2015: No highlighting and intellisense in JS files

我无法真正重现该问题,但是 .js 文件中没有高亮显示或智能感知,但它在 .json 文件中工作正常。
.js 文件的默认编辑器是 JSON 编辑器。


我要补充一点,当我启动 IDE 并且 JS 文件在范围内打开时,我收到以下错误消息(突出显示和智能感知无论如何都不起作用):

The 'JavaScriptWebExtensionPackage' package did not load correctly.

The problem may have been caused by a configuration change or by the installation of another extension. You can get more information examining the file 'C:\Users\Shimmy\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio.0\ActivityLog.xml'.

Restarting Visual Studio could help resolve the issue.

Continue to show this error message?

Here 你可以查看 ActivityLog.xml 文件,我粘贴了一些我认为可能相关的最近行:

  <time>2015/08/14 13:00:57.332</time>
  <description>Begin package load [JavaScriptWebExtensionsPackage]</description>
  <time>2015/08/14 13:00:57.394</time>
  <description>SetSite failed for package [JavaScriptWebExtensionsPackage]</description>
  <errorinfo>Expected 1 export(s) with contract name "Microsoft.VisualStudio.JavaScript.Web.Extensions.ReferenceAutoSync.IReferencesFilePathProvider" but found 0 after applying applicable constraints.</errorinfo>
  <time>2015/08/14 13:00:57.394</time>
  <description>End package load [JavaScriptWebExtensionsPackage]</description>
  <errorinfo>Expected 1 export(s) with contract name "Microsoft.VisualStudio.JavaScript.Web.Extensions.ReferenceAutoSync.IReferencesFilePathProvider" but found 0 after applying applicable constraints.</errorinfo>



If the “Universal Windows App Development Tools” are still installed:

  1. Go to Programs and Features, select Visual Studio 2015, click Change.
  2. In Visual Studio setup, click Modify.
  3. Deselect the feature “Universal Windows App Development Tools”
  4. Select “Universal Windows App Development Tools” again, and click Update.

If you have already uninstalled the “Universal Windows App Development Tools”:

  • Reinstall “Universal Windows App Development Tools”
  • Or, take the following steps to reinstall the JavaScript project system and language service:
    1. Download the installer for your edition of Visual Studio, e.g., vs_community.exe.
    2. Open a CMD window, and run the following command: vs_community.exe /modify /installselectableitems JavaScript_Hidden /passive

我已经完成了第一步并得到了 Javascript 支持。



在我完成上述步骤后,几乎一切正常,除了每次打开 .js 文件时都会收到一条错误消息外,以下方法可以解决问题:

我的猜测是仅重新安装 SDK 并没有更新 MEF 缓存。您可以按照以下步骤手动执行此操作:

Open a command prompt as administrator

  1. CD into C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE
  2. Run devenv /updateconfiguration
  3. Run devenv /clearcache



这个问题似乎已在 Update 1 中修复。我使用的是专业版,但我想它适用于所有版本。

需要说明的是,Intellisense 无法为我工作 css 剃刀文件上的相关内容,post 更新 1 它似乎可以工作。

我知道这个问题显然是针对 Visual Studio 2015 年的。

但是,如果接受的答案也适用于 Visual Studio 2017.


就我而言,语法高亮丢失是由新的 javascript 语言服务引起的。取消选中以下复选框并重新启动 Visual Studio:


Tools > Options > Text Editor > JavaScript/TypeScript > Language Service > Enable the new JavaScript language service.*
