在 AX 2012 中获取分配给用户的安全角色的创建日期时间和创建者

To get the created datetime and created by for Security role assigned to user in AX 2012

是否有可能获得 CreatedDateTimeCreatedby security role 通过 sql 查询添加到 user


select distinct a.id as username , a.NAME Name, f.Text [Role] 
from userinfo a (nolock)  join securityuserrole b (nolock) on a.id=b.user_      
join SECURITYUSERROLECONDITION c (nolock) on b.recid = c.securityuserrole       
join  [Dynamics_STG_model].[dbo].[ModelSecurityRole] e (nolock) on e.rolehandle = b.securityrole        
join [Dynamics_STG_model].[dbo].[ModelElementLabel] f (nolock)  on e.LABELID = f.LabelId and e.LABELMODULE = f.Module and f.Language='en_us'

请帮我解决这个问题。 提前致谢!

您可以尝试将 database logging 用于 table SecurityUserRole(系统 → 安全用户角色)。


Declare @StartDate datetime 
Declare @EndDate datetime 
Set @StartDate = '2015-07-07 01:31:38.000' 
Set @EndDate = '2015-08-21 01:14:14.000' 
Set @StartDate = convert(datetime, dateadd(hour, 7, @StartDate), 100) 
Set @EndDate = convert(datetime, dateadd(hour, 7, @EndDate), 100)

select distinct a.NAME [User Name]
               ,b.USERNAME [Role Modified By]
               ,convert(datetime, dateadd(hour, -7, b.CREATEDDATETIME), 100) [Modified DateTime]
               ,case b.LOGTYPE 
                   when 0 then 'Added'
                   when 1 then 'Removed' 
                end as Status
               ,d.Text Role 
from USERINFO a (nolock) 
    select (case when logtype = 0 then dbo.CONPEEK(CAST(dbo.CONPEEK(data, 16) AS varbinary(8000)), 2)
                 when logtype = 1 then dbo.CONPEEK(CAST(dbo.CONPEEK(data, 10) AS varbinary(8000)), 2)           
            end) AS UserNam
           ,(case when logtype = 0 then dbo.CONPEEK(CAST(dbo.CONPEEK(data, 15) AS varbinary(8000)), 2)
                  when logtype = 1 then dbo.CONPEEK(CAST(dbo.CONPEEK(data, 9) AS varbinary(8000)), 2) 
             end) as SecurityRole    
    from SYSDATABASELOG (nolock) where TABLE_=65492 and data !='')  b  
on a.id = b.UserNam 
left outer join [DynamicsAX_model].[dbo].[modelsecurityrole] c (nolock) on b.SecurityRole =c.rolehandle 
join [modelelementlabel] d (nolock) on c.labelid = d.labelid 
                                   and c.LABELMODULE = d.module 
                                   and d.Language='en_us' 
where b.CREATEDDATETIME >= @StartDate and b.CREATEDDATETIME <=@EndDate order by [Modified DateTime] desc    

Conpeekconsize 是我们需要从下面创建的两个函数 link 下载 ConPeek.sql and ConSize.sql