有没有办法让 PyLint 标志 'Yoda conditions'?

Is there a way to have PyLint flag 'Yoda conditions'?

在我正在处理的一些 Python 代码中,我发现这里那里有所谓的“Yoda conditions”。


if 0 < len(someList): ...

if None != ComputeSomething(): ...

有没有办法让 PyLint 标记它们?

Pylint 目前将此实现为约定检查 C0122,starting with v1.5.0 (2015-11-29)

Add a new convention message, ‘misplaced-comparison-constant’, emitted when a constant is placed in the left hand side of a comparison, as in ‘5 == func()’. This is also called Yoda condition, since the flow of code reminds of the Star Wars green character, conditions usually encountered in languages with variabile assignments in conditional statements.

来自features documentation

misplaced-comparison-constant (C0122):

Comparison should be %s Used when the constant is placed on the left side of a comparison. It is usually clearer in intent to place it in the right hand side of the comparison.


C:130, 3: Comparison should be __name__ == '__main__' (misplaced-comparison-constant)