我如何让 JModelica 安静下来?

How do I make JModelica be quiet?


import pyjmi
op = pyjmi.transfer_optimization_problem("BatchReactor", "model.mop")

opt_opts                                 = op.optimize_options()
opt_opts['n_e']                          = 40 # Number of elements
opt_opts['IPOPT_options']['tol']         = 1e-10
opt_opts['IPOPT_options']['print_level'] = 0

res = op.optimize(options=opt_opts)

我曾预计将 print_level 设置为 0 将意味着 JModelica 和 IPOPT 将保持安静。这绝对有帮助!但我不断得到这样的输出:

time spent in eval_f: 0.00135 s. (26 calls, 0.0519231 ms. average)
time spent in eval_grad_f: 0.001719 s. (27 calls, 0.0636667 ms. average)
time spent in eval_g: 0.001636 s. (26 calls, 0.0629231 ms. average)
time spent in eval_jac_g: 0.002491 s. (28 calls, 0.0889643 ms. average)
time spent in eval_h: 0.003868 s. (26 calls, 0.148769 ms. average)
time spent in main loop: 0.055749 s.
time spent in callback function: 0 s.
time spent in callback preparation: 0.000459 s.

Total time: 0.46 seconds
Pre-processing time: 0.38 seconds
Solution time: 0.06 seconds
Post-processing time: 0.02 seconds


您可以使用以下方法抑制以 time spent 开头的行:

opt_opts['IPOPT_options']['print_time']   = False