为什么 std::hex 和 std::oct 标志不起作用?

Why are std::hex and std::oct flags not working?


// This program demonstrates the use of flags.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
  string filename; bool tf; double number;

  cout << "Name a file to create/overwrite: ";
  cin >> filename;

  ofstream outfile (filename.c_str());

    cout << "Creating/Overwriting the file has failed.\nExiting...\n";
    return 1;

  cout << "Give me a boolean (0/1): "; cin >> tf;
  cout << "Give me a large number with decimal points: "; cin >> number;

  outfile.setf(ios_base::boolalpha); // Turns on boolalpha flag.
  outfile << "Here's a boolean: " << tf << endl;

  outfile.unsetf(ios_base::boolalpha); // Unsets boolalpha flag.
  outfile << "Here's your number: " << number << endl;

  outfile.setf(ios_base::scientific); // Turns on scientific notation flag.
  outfile << "Here's your number is scientific notation: " << number << endl;

  outfile.setf(ios_base::fixed); // When possible, floating point numbers will not appear in scientific notation.
  outfile << "Here's your number in fixed notation: " << number << endl;

  outfile.setf(ios_base::hex); // Numbers will appear in hexadecimal format.
  outfile << "Here's your number in hexadecimal format: " << number << endl;

  outfile.setf(ios_base::oct, ios_base::uppercase); // Numbers will appear in uppercase, octal format.
  outfile << "Here's your number in octal format: " << number << endl;

  return 0;



Here's a boolean: false
Here's your number: 3491.67
Here's your number is scientific notation: 3.491670e+03
Here's your number in fixed notation: 3491.67
Here's your number in hexadecimal format: 3491.67
Here's your number in octal format: 3491.67

为什么当我设置 "hex" 和 "oct" 标志时,它们不起作用?

在文本文件中,我期待 "hexadecimal formal: " 和 "octal format: " 旁边的“3591.67”以外的内容。


不幸的是,八进制和十六进制打印仅适用于整数,而不适用于双精度。参见 http://stdcxx.apache.org/doc/stdlibug/28-3.html



。或者,输入 std:hex,即:

outfile << std::hex;


八进制和十六进制格式仅影响整数的显示方式。如果您想查看十六进制浮点数,您可以使用 hexfloat (C++11) 或使用 cstdio 中的 printf 函数和 %a 格式代码。

另见 Dump hex float in C++