需要帮助将此代码写入经典 ASP 中的并行数组

need help to write this code to parallel arrays in classic ASP

如果有人可以帮助将此 if else 语句转换为并行数组以计算折扣。

Parallel Arrays

is a data structure for representing arrays of records. It keeps a separate, homogeneous array for each field of the record, each having the same number of elements. Then, objects located at the same index in each array are implicitly the fields of a single record. Pointers from one object to another are replaced by array indices. This contrasts with the normal approach of storing all fields of each record together in memory.
For example, one might declare an array of 100 names, each a string, and 100 ages, each an integer, associating each name with the age that has the same index.

'总成本与 GST 的折扣计算

if TotGST >= 5000 AND TotGST <= 9999 then 
discount = (TotGST * 0.05)
    if TotGST >= 10000 AND TotGST <= 49999 then
    discount = (TotGST * 0.08)
        if TotGST >= 50000 then 
        discount = (TotGST * 0.1)
        end if 
    end if 
end if 

首先,设置平行阵列。 然后在循环中遍历数组,找到匹配的范围。 如果匹配,则应用折扣。


Function CalcDiscount(nAmount)
    ' Set up the arrays
    Amin = Array(5000,10000,50000)
    Amax = Array(9999,49999,-1)
    Adiscount = Array(0.05,0.08,0.10)

    ' Initialise other variables
    nUpper = uBound(Adiscount) 
    i = 0
    bDiscount = false
    CalcDiscount = 0

    ' Loop through the array to find a matching amount range
    do until (i > nUpper or bDiscount = true) 
        If (nAmount >= Amin(i) and (nAmount <= Amax(i) or Amax(i) = -1)) Then
            ' Apply discount
            CalcDiscount = nAmount * Adiscount(i)
            bDiscount = true
        End If
        i = i + 1

End Function 

' Run some test cases
TotGST = 1000
response.write("TotGST=" & TotGST & " Discount = " & nDiscount & "<BR>")

TotGST = 5000
response.write("TotGST=" & TotGST & " Discount = " & nDiscount & "<BR>")

TotGST = 5500
response.write("TotGST=" & TotGST & " Discount = " & nDiscount & "<BR>")

TotGST = 9999
response.write("TotGST=" & TotGST & " Discount = " & nDiscount & "<BR>")

TotGST = 10000
response.write("TotGST=" & TotGST & " Discount = " & nDiscount & "<BR>")

TotGST = 50000
response.write("TotGST=" & TotGST & " Discount = " & nDiscount & "<BR>")



TotGST=1000 Discount = 0
TotGST=5000 Discount = 250
TotGST=5500 Discount = 275
TotGST=9999 Discount = 499.95
TotGST=10000 Discount = 800
TotGST=50000 Discount = 5000