Blogger - 将条目的发布日期设置为将来

Blogger - Set the date of publication of the entry in the future

我假设我使用以下代码添加新的 post。如何设置日期publicpost?

 * Zend Framework (
 * @link for the canonical source repository
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
 * @license New BSD License

namespace Application\Controller;
set_time_limit (300);

use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController,
    Zend\Console\Request as ConsoleRequest;

use Zend\Http\Request;
use Zend\Http\Client;
use Zend\Http\Cookies;
use Zend\Http\Header;
use Zend\Stdlib\Parameters;
use Zend\Json\Json;

class IndexController extends AbstractActionController
    public function indexAction()
$client = new \Google_Client();
//$scriptUri = "http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];///.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];$client->setRedirectUri($scriptUri);
$client->setAccessType('online'); // default: offline
$client->setDeveloperKey('INSERT DEV HERE'); // API key
$service = new \Google_Service_Blogger($client);

if(isset($authUrl)) {
    print "<a class='login' href='$authUrl'>Connect Me!</a>";
  } else {
   print "<a class='logout' href='?logout'>Logout</a>";
if (isset($_GET['logout'])) { // logout: destroy token
    die('Logged out.');
if (isset($_GET['code'])) { // we received the positive auth callback, get the token and store it in session

    $_SESSION['token'] = $client->getAccessToken();
    //$_SESSION['access_token'] = $client->getAccessToken(); 

        // Once the access token is retrieved, you no longer need the
        // authorization code in the URL. Redirect the user to a clean URL.
        //header('Location: '.filter_var($redirectUri, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));

if (isset($_SESSION['token'])) { // extract token from session and configure client
    $token = $_SESSION['token'];
if (!$client->getAccessToken()) { // auth call to google
    $authUrl = $client->createAuthUrl();
    header("Location: ".$authUrl);
$blog      = $service->blogs->getByUrl('');
$blogName  = $blog->getName();
$blogUrl   = $blog->getURL();
$postsObj  = $blog->getPosts();
$postCount = $postsObj->getTotalItems();
$posts     = $postsObj->getItems();
$blogID  = $blog->getID();

$newpost = new \Google_Service_Blogger_Post();
$newpost->setTitle("2 Example post from zend");
$newpost->setContent("This is test content 3");
$newpost->setLabels(array('3d', 'blog z tapetami', 'do', 'hd', 'komputer', 'krajobrazy', 'lato', 'pulpit', 'tapeta', 'tapetoblog', 'tapety', 'tło', 'windows', 'wodospad', 'zdjęcia', 'zwierzęta', 'świąteczne'));
$newpost->setPublished('true'); //make Google_Service_Exception in /vendor/google/apiclient/src/Google/Http/REST.php:79 Message: Error calling POST (400) Invalid value for: Invalid format: "true"

//$newpost->setTitleLink('title-link-example'); //make Google_Service_Exception
//  $newpost->setCustomMetaData($customMetaData); //untested
$post = $service->posts->insert($blogID, $newpost, array());



编辑1: 使用此代码

$now = new \DateTime('NOW');
$day = $now->modify('+17 day');

导致错误ok,post马上发布。也许我需要使用 setCustomMetaData($customMetaData) 才能正常工作?但我不知道如何构建 $customMetaData(正如我在 google docs OAuth playground 上读到的这组作者以及 public 创作日期)

Edit2:感谢@abraham 纠正我的错误,因为我没有使用翻译器。

javadoc 中所述 Google_Service_Blogger_Posts_Resource::publish() 方法:

@opt_param string publishDate Optional date and time to schedule the publishing of the Blog. If no publishDate parameter is given, the post is either published at the a previously saved schedule date (if present), or the current time. If a future date is given, the post will be scheduled to be published.

因此,Google_Service_Blogger_Post::setPublished($pubDate) 方法需要具有 RFC 3339 格式的字符串日期参数,并且使用所需日期发布的正确方式如下:

$date = new DateTime('+17 day'); 