R:GLMM glmer 与 glmmPQL

R: GLMM glmer vs glmmPQL

glmmPQL 中多重随机效应的语法是什么?

使用 glmer 我的代码如下所示:

fit<- glmer(A~B+C+ (1 | D)+ (1 | E), family = gaussian, data=data)

如何使用 glmmPQL 重写相同的内容?


fit<- glmmPQL(A~B+C, random=c (~1 | D, ~1 | E), family = gaussian, data=data)


glmerglmmPQL 之间的主要区别是什么?

根据您提供的示例,具有 glmmPQL 的模型将指定为:

fit <- glmmPQL(A ~ B + C, random = list(D = ~1, E = ~1), family = gaussian, data = data)

据我所知,glmer(由包 lme4 提供)和 glmmPQL(依赖于函数 lme,来自 nlme pacakge) 是nlme中使用的参数估计算法没有针对交叉随机效应进行优化,这与稀疏设计矩阵相关,而lme4利用了这种结构;参见,例如,Pinheiro & Bates,"Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS",Springer,2000,第 163 页。关于 lmer/glmerlme 之间差异的进一步参考通常是:

https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/64226/lme-and-lmer-comparison https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2006-October/115572.html

And what is the major difference between glmer and glmmPQL?

添加到 then glmmPQL uses PQL which has some known bias issues whilst glmer uses a Laplace approximation or Gauss-Hermite quadrature which are better approximations. See the comments here by Ben Bolker 和其中引用的论文。根据您估计的模型,这可能是 glmmPQL 的主要缺点。

glmer 函数不适合某些类型的相关结构。参见例如 the links in the aforementioned answer or the comments on this page