
What single word does a programmer call the control and command keys?

controlcommand 键在计算机应用程序方面基本上是类似的,当我在交叉中谈论它们时- 平台应用程序,它们应该被称为什么?是否有像“_______ 键”这样的术语?

Alt / Shift / Control / Command - 它们都是修饰键。 Ctrl/Command 是类似物,因为它们用于 "command" 类型的快捷方式,即执行某些操作。也许 C 修饰符键或动作修饰符键是正确的名称。

"Modifier key" 是许多在线词典和文档中至少使用的术语。 (包括 Apple 和 IBM。)(在 中使用但未完全提倡。)

仅供参考,这里使用了一个旧术语:"bucky (bit) keys"。来自 The Hacker's Dictionary:


Control characters are so useful that sometimes special keyboards are built that have even more shift keys. One of the first of these was used at Stanford. It had the usual shift and control keys, and a third key called "meta", as well as lots of unusual characters such as Greek letter. So, one can type such characters as control-F, meta-N, and control-meta-B.

Now, when you type a character on a Stanford keyboard, the following information is sent to the computer: a code indicating the basic character, plus one BIT for each shifting key to indicate whether that shifting key was pressed along with the basic character key. Programs usually treat the regular shift key as part of the basic character, indicating whether you want lower case or upper case (or whether you want "3" or "#", and so on). The other bits (control and meta) are called the bucky bits.

(注意源本身指的是"shift keys"和"shifting keys".

另见 the jargon file glossary:

bucky bits: /buh'kee bits/, n.

  1. [obs.] The bits produced by the CONTROL and META shift keys on a SAIL keyboard [...] (see space-cadet keyboard).
  2. By extension, bits associated with ‘extra’ shift keys on any keyboard, e.g., the ALT on an IBM PC or command and option keys on a Macintosh.

请注意,来源本身将 bucky 键称为“‘额外’shift 键”。

(我观察到 "Bucky bits" 和 "space cadet keyboard" 在维基百科条目中被引用为 "modifier key"。不幸的是,"modifier key" 本身没有词源。)