验证 podspec 时出错

Error when validating podspec

我已经创建了一个 cocoapod,我正在尝试验证它的 podspec,但是我收到这个错误:

➜  MyProject git:(master) ✗ pod spec lint MyProject.podspec

 -> MyProject (1.0)
    - ERROR | Returned an unsuccessful exit code. You can use `--verbose` for more information.
    - ERROR | [iOS] Swift support uses dynamic frameworks and is therefore only supported on iOS > 8.
    - NOTE  |  [BEROR]error: There is no SDK with the name or path 'watchos'
    - NOTE  | [watchOS]  error: There is no SDK with the name or path 'watchos'

我正在使用 Xcode 7 beta,正在为 ios9


CocoaPods 目前不支持 watchOS。有关该主题的更多信息,请参阅

在详细模式下搜索 "error generated" 应该可以帮助您找到错误。