scala trait 成员和派生变量

scala trait members and derivated variables

您好,我正在尝试用 scala 编写一个简单的爬山算法。

我有 StateHillClimbing 是特征。 当我将它们应用于 Graph 问题时,我将它们定义为具体的 类。

GraphHillClimbing 中,我收到两个错误。这是因为我使用 GraphState 而不是 State(注意 GraphState 也是一个 State)。


trait State {

  val loc = 0

  def neighbours: List[State]

  def get_loc():Int = return loc


class GraphState(loc:Int, g: Map[Int, List[Int]]) extends State {

  def neighbours():List[GraphState] =
    def neighboursAcc(l:List[Int], acc:List[GraphState], g:Map[Int, List[Int]]):List[GraphState] =
      if(l.isEmpty) acc
      else {
        val new_neig = new GraphState(l.head, g)
        neighboursAcc(l.tail, List(new_neig) ++ acc, g)
    neighboursAcc(g(loc), List(), g)


trait HillClimbing {

  val max_iteration = 4
  val start:State

  def cost(state:State):Double

  private def argmin(costs:List[Double]):Int = {
    val best = costs.min

  private def next_best(states:List[State]):State = {
    val costs = states map(x => cost(x))
    val pos = argmin(costs)

  def minimize():State = {
    def minimizeAcc(iteration:Int, state:State):State =
      if(iteration > max_iteration) state
      else {
        val neigs = state.neighbours
        val next_state = next_best(neigs)
        minimizeAcc(iteration+1, next_state)
    minimizeAcc(0, start)


class GraphHillClimbing(start:GraphState, goal:GraphState) extends HillClimbing {

   // ERROR 1 = start was State and now it is GraphState
   // ERROR 2 = cost should take a State

   def cost(current_state:GraphState):Double = {
     val distance = goal.get_loc() - current_state.get_loc()
     if(distance > 0 ) distance
     else -distance


object RunHillClimbing {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {

    val G = Map[Int, List[Int]](1->List(2, 4, 5), 2->List(1, 3, 4), 3->List(2, 6), 4->List(1, 2, 5), 5->List(1, 4), 6->List(3))

    val start = new GraphState(1, G)
    val goal = new GraphState(6, G)

    val hc = new GraphHillClimbing(start, goal)



另外,在 GraphHillClimbing 的构造函数中,您应该使用 val 来指示参数 start 是抽象 start.[=15= 的具体实现]

trait State[+Self] {
  Self =>
  def loc:Int

  def neighbours: List[Self]

  def get_loc():Int = return loc

class GraphState(val loc:Int, g: Map[Int, List[Int]]) extends State[GraphState] {

  def neighbours():List[GraphState] =
    def neighboursAcc(l:List[Int], acc:List[GraphState], g:Map[Int, List[Int]]):List[GraphState] =
      if(l.isEmpty) acc
      else {
        val new_neig = new GraphState(l.head, g)
        neighboursAcc(l.tail, List(new_neig) ++ acc, g)
    neighboursAcc(g(loc), List(), g)

trait HillClimbing[T<:State[T]] {
  val max_iteration = 4
  val start:T

  def cost(state:T):Double

  private def argmin(costs:List[Double]):Int = {
    val best = costs.min

  private def next_best(states:List[T]):T = {
    val costs = states map(x => cost(x))
    val pos = argmin(costs)

  def minimize():T = {
    def minimizeAcc(iteration:Int, state:T):T =
      if(iteration > max_iteration) state
      else {
        val neigs = state.neighbours
        val next_state = next_best(neigs)
        minimizeAcc(iteration+1, next_state)
    minimizeAcc(0, start)

class GraphHillClimbing(val start:GraphState, goal:GraphState) extends HillClimbing[GraphState] {

  def cost(current_state:GraphState):Double = {
    val distance = goal.get_loc() - current_state.get_loc()
    if(distance > 0 ) distance
    else -distance

object RunHillClimbing {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {

    val G = Map[Int, List[Int]](1->List(2, 4, 5), 2->List(1, 3, 4), 3->List(2, 6), 4->List(1, 2, 5), 5->List(1, 4), 6->List(3))

    val start = new GraphState(1, G)
    val goal = new GraphState(6, G)

    val hc = new GraphHillClimbing(start, goal)


error: class GraphHillClimbing needs to be abstract, since:
it has 2 unimplemented members.
/** As seen from class GraphHillClimbing, the missing signatures are as follows.
*  For convenience, these are usable as stub implementations.
  def cost(state: this.State): Double = ???
  val start: this.State = ???

class GraphHillClimbing(start:GraphState, goal:GraphState) extends HillClimbing {

将class中的GraphState替换为State,因为继承 要求你必须处理 State 而不是 GraphState.


 val loc = 0

 def loc = 0

因此您可以在 GraphState 中覆盖它。