为什么我的 CSS 样式表 link 不在 Grails 中?
Why won't my CSS stylesheet link in Grails?
我有这个非常基本的 index.gsp 文件:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="layout" content="main"/>
<link type="text/css" href="${resource(dir: 'css', file: 'main.css')}" />
<div class="test">This should be in cursive and blue</div>
我还有一个非常基本的 main.css 文件:
.test {
font-family: cursive;
color: blue;
main.css的路径是web-app/css。我觉得这是一个非常微不足道的问题,但我无法让我的线条以草书和蓝色显示。然而,当我将以下内容添加到我的 gsp 文件的头部时,它工作得很好:
.test {
font-family: cursive;
color: blue;
为什么我的 css 文件不能与我的 gsp 文件一起使用?
grails.servlet.version = "2.5" // Change depending on target container compliance (2.5 or 3.0)
grails.project.class.dir = "target/classes"
grails.project.test.class.dir = "target/test-classes"
grails.project.test.reports.dir = "target/test-reports"
grails.project.target.level = 1.6
grails.project.source.level = 1.6
//grails.project.war.file = "target/${appName}-${appVersion}.war"
// uncomment (and adjust settings) to fork the JVM to isolate classpaths
//grails.project.fork = [
// run: [maxMemory:1024, minMemory:64, debug:false, maxPerm:256]
grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
// inherit Grails' default dependencies
inherits("global") {
// specify dependency exclusions here; for example, uncomment this to disable ehcache:
// excludes 'ehcache'
log "error" // log level of Ivy resolver, either 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug' or 'verbose'
checksums true // Whether to verify checksums on resolve
legacyResolve false // whether to do a secondary resolve on plugin installation, not advised and here for backwards compatibility
repositories {
inherits true // Whether to inherit repository definitions from plugins
// uncomment these (or add new ones) to enable remote dependency resolution from public Maven repositories
//mavenRepo "http://snapshots.repository.codehaus.org"
//mavenRepo "http://repository.codehaus.org"
//mavenRepo "http://download.java.net/maven/2/"
//mavenRepo "http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/"
dependencies {
// specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile', 'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scopes e.g.
// runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.22'
plugins {
runtime ":hibernate:$grailsVersion"
runtime ":jquery:1.8.3"
runtime ":resources:1.1.6"
// Uncomment these (or add new ones) to enable additional resources capabilities
//runtime ":zipped-resources:1.0"
//runtime ":cached-resources:1.0"
//runtime ":yui-minify-resources:0.1.5"
build ":tomcat:$grailsVersion"
runtime ":database-migration:1.3.2"
compile ':cache:1.0.1'
您的应用程序是否使用资源或资产管道插件?如果是这样,您应该通过定义 modules/bundles 资源并包含那些资源(而不是单个文件)来在页面中包含资源(例如 CSS 和 JavaScript 文件)。
有关详细信息,请参阅 resources or asset-pipeline 插件的文档。
我有这个非常基本的 index.gsp 文件:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="layout" content="main"/>
<link type="text/css" href="${resource(dir: 'css', file: 'main.css')}" />
<div class="test">This should be in cursive and blue</div>
我还有一个非常基本的 main.css 文件:
.test {
font-family: cursive;
color: blue;
main.css的路径是web-app/css。我觉得这是一个非常微不足道的问题,但我无法让我的线条以草书和蓝色显示。然而,当我将以下内容添加到我的 gsp 文件的头部时,它工作得很好:
.test {
font-family: cursive;
color: blue;
为什么我的 css 文件不能与我的 gsp 文件一起使用?
grails.servlet.version = "2.5" // Change depending on target container compliance (2.5 or 3.0)
grails.project.class.dir = "target/classes"
grails.project.test.class.dir = "target/test-classes"
grails.project.test.reports.dir = "target/test-reports"
grails.project.target.level = 1.6
grails.project.source.level = 1.6
//grails.project.war.file = "target/${appName}-${appVersion}.war"
// uncomment (and adjust settings) to fork the JVM to isolate classpaths
//grails.project.fork = [
// run: [maxMemory:1024, minMemory:64, debug:false, maxPerm:256]
grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
// inherit Grails' default dependencies
inherits("global") {
// specify dependency exclusions here; for example, uncomment this to disable ehcache:
// excludes 'ehcache'
log "error" // log level of Ivy resolver, either 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug' or 'verbose'
checksums true // Whether to verify checksums on resolve
legacyResolve false // whether to do a secondary resolve on plugin installation, not advised and here for backwards compatibility
repositories {
inherits true // Whether to inherit repository definitions from plugins
// uncomment these (or add new ones) to enable remote dependency resolution from public Maven repositories
//mavenRepo "http://snapshots.repository.codehaus.org"
//mavenRepo "http://repository.codehaus.org"
//mavenRepo "http://download.java.net/maven/2/"
//mavenRepo "http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/"
dependencies {
// specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile', 'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scopes e.g.
// runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.22'
plugins {
runtime ":hibernate:$grailsVersion"
runtime ":jquery:1.8.3"
runtime ":resources:1.1.6"
// Uncomment these (or add new ones) to enable additional resources capabilities
//runtime ":zipped-resources:1.0"
//runtime ":cached-resources:1.0"
//runtime ":yui-minify-resources:0.1.5"
build ":tomcat:$grailsVersion"
runtime ":database-migration:1.3.2"
compile ':cache:1.0.1'
您的应用程序是否使用资源或资产管道插件?如果是这样,您应该通过定义 modules/bundles 资源并包含那些资源(而不是单个文件)来在页面中包含资源(例如 CSS 和 JavaScript 文件)。
有关详细信息,请参阅 resources or asset-pipeline 插件的文档。